A Conversation for Australian and NZ Researchers

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 1


Hi My name is Roy
I am English but I have a daughter who was born in Bundaburg 19 years ago who has Aussie citizenship lucky old her.
I spent alot of time in Australia traveling about and it is a great place to travel.
I love the place and the people they were always helpful if you were in trouble especially in the bush.
I traveled by Norton Motorcycle that I bought in the UK for personal export, in 1976 I covered 10,000 miles and went through 7 states, in 1977, I returned to the UK with the bike as a wreck.
It took me 5 years to get the bike in good order to return to Australia and do it again.
I have my story on website www.jerrydoe.com if anybody want to read it.
I would really like to talk to some Aussies again.
If there is anybody who want to have a bit of a talk I would like to hear from them.

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 2

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...


While I am an Aussie, I know absolutely nothing about motor bikes smiley - sorry

You might like to have a look at A724312 - it's the Mostly Harmless MC- The H2G2 Motorcycle Club - I am sure that you'll find lots of smiley - bikers there. smiley - ok

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 3


Hi Thanks for your note it is not just motorcycling I also love Australia and that wonderful coastline and outback.
Have you tavelled much and where are you from?

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 4

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

No ... not much of a traveller - but then, I live 2 minutes from Bondi Beach - why would I want to travel smiley - laugh

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 5


Yes I understand it is quite nice around there, I do not know the spelling is it Coogee the next beech?
I must admit I love Sydney I would like to see it again I first lived at Strathfield and later at Homebush that is where the Olimpics where held I think and where I was at Homebush Road has been pulled down and new put up.
I suppose you surf or have done in the past.

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 6

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Surf?? Me?? Not bl**dy likely smiley - laugh - I'm too busy working on my nightclub tan smiley - laugh

But Bondi is a great place to live.

Coogee is about 4 beaches along the coast - I think it's Bondi, Tamarama, Bronte, Clovelly and then Coogee - but I may be wrong.

You probably wouldn't recognise some areas of Homebush now - all new and Olympicated smiley - tongueincheek

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 7


I had a mate who lived at Bondi when I worked at Botany, he lived right on the front near the beach.
I would like to see Sydney again it has been so long.
I had a 5 year spell from Sydney in the late 70s and the change was they had put Centrepoint up.
Now there is the monorail and lots of ather changes I am sure.
They were talking about putting a tunnel through to North Sydney have they done that or are they still thinking of it?

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 8

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Yep - there's a cross harbour tunnel as an alternative to the bridge, and there are now all sorts of tunnels/expressways - there's a cross city that's just opened to all sorts of controversy - it's made a real mess of the into city traffic.

There's the M5 to the airport - it goes from Liverpool to the airport - and connects with an expressway to the Eastern Suburbs.
Then there's the M7 which goes from the far western suburbs, connects with the M5 .....

Basically what happened was they bought a tunnelling machine for the Harbour tunnel and have been finding ways to st*ff up the traffic ever since - they still haven't improved the public transport system - though they are always talking about it.

Sydney has changed so much since the 70s - there's the Darling Harbour complex near the wharves and even Circular Quay hs changed - basically it's almost a new city - you would be really surprised.

There are live traffic camera feeds at http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/trafficreports/cameras/sydneycbd.html
if you are interested.

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 9


Thanks for the traffic cameras it is great.

And I agree with you if the people who build roads can stuff them up they will do.

By the way what is your name?

Thanks again


TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 10

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

You are very welcome - I'm pleased that you find the link interesting smiley - biggrin

Name? Feisor ... just Feisor - I like to retain a certain amount of anonymity - read my personal space for a little more smiley - smiley

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 11


I understand it becomes alot of fun and also interesting.

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 12

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

i've met Feisor but can't tell u any more under pain of death... or even worse smiley - yikes

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 13


Hi it seems you have great fun over there.
Do you live in Sydney?
I am now off to Portugal for 5 days with my family.
I hope to keep in touch with some Aussie friends when I get back.

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 14

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

certainly do,

there are even photos from our sydney meets somewhere in here so u can see what Feiso looks like ...

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 15

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Careful Linus .... I'm watching you ..... smiley - bigeyes

Roy, you can see a photo here --> A736184

and be nice to Linus - he owns the pub that we congregated at smiley - laugh

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 16


I have had a great 5 days in Portugal it was alot hotter than the UK and quite a bit warmer than Melbourne.
Keep in touch it is great to hear from you all, especially if one of you have a pub.
Where is the pub?
Thanks for the note.

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 17


I did find the photo you mentioned, it must be nice to keep in touch and meet up,where one of the members have a pub.
Thanks for the note, sorry I have not replied earlier but I have been away for 5 days in Portugal, it was quite a bit of a blow to come back to the cold.

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 18

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

i didn't actually own the pub at that point - just thought i did smiley - laugh

5 days in Portugal sounds like a good enough reason to stay away from the computer i would have thought

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 19


Hi Linus
You are like me you like the beer, and the time you spend in the pub you might just as well own it.
Portugal was good but coming back to the English weather was not at all what any one likes to do.

TransAustralian motorcycling

Post 20

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

love my beer way too much. I'm no fan of the cold at all. A pity you can't telecommute from portugal by the sounds of it.

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