A Conversation for The Unofficial H2G2 Lurkers Society

Welcome to lurk

Post 21


Seems like sleeping is a bad habit I need to get rid off, you never what you will miss if you're not awake.. Good morning everyone smiley - smiley

And a big welcome also for coelacanth, Ommmigosh, Granny Weatherwax and Wazungu!

Welcome to lurk

Post 22

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Good morning/night, all smiley - smiley
I wanna join!
I just tried to put Ottox's badge on my page, and, as usual, didn't know what I was doing. Just had a whole mess of code showing up there. *sigh* It's not easy being a cybermoron, you know. I'll try again when I have some more time. But it's BEAUTIFUL, Ottox! smiley - smooch
I can't WAIT to redecorate my place! smiley - smiley

Welcome to lurk

Post 23

cafram - in the states.

Welcome to lurk

Post 24


Also, welcome to Cafram and Mother of God! It's not often that I see a deity.. in such good company. smiley - winkeye

Please, help yourselves, there should be some smiley - coffee left on the pot.

Welcome to lurk

Post 25

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

In my chunk of the universe it's 1:00 am and I REALLY have to go to bed. So I'll take a rain check on the smiley - coffee or I'll be up all night.

ciao y'all smiley - smiley


Welcome to lurk

Post 26


Ok.. I've got no idea from where everyone is, in my universe it's 8am smiley - smiley

Good night then, sleep tight!

Welcome to lurk

Post 27

cafram - in the states.

mmm....smiley - coffee...breakfast at 15:50 is always good smiley - biggrin

Welcome to lurk

Post 28


All these different times confuse me.. Do they have decaf here somewhere?

Welcome to lurk

Post 29

E G Mel

Welcome to lurk

Post 30

LL Waz

It's elevenses time smiley - smiley

* helps self to smiley - coffee, goes off lurking*

Welcome to lurk

Post 31

E G Mel

*munches smiley - choc*

Welcome to lurk

Post 32


Breakfast time where I am.

I had the same problem as Mother of God in trying to get the badge,ie just got a bunch of code.


Welcome to lurk

Post 33

E G Mel

That's because you're both writing in text mode not GML, when you edit your space next change the mode from text to GML this should make the difference! smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

Welcome to lurk

Post 34


Welcome E G Mel and 176645 or should I rather say good morning?

When you edit your page, click on the GuideML button and then click on the Change style-button. That should make a difference. smiley - smiley

Welcome to lurk

Post 35

E G Mel

It's 14:10 now so it must have been afternon when you posted!

Mel smiley - hsif

Welcome to lurk

Post 36


Yeah, but it was breakfast time at 176645's smiley - smiley

And it's 16:20 here. I'll switch to your timezone in about a week. smiley - smiley *yay*

Welcome to lurk

Post 37

E G Mel

I think there should be Guide time, when every time is tea time!

Mel smiley - hsif

Welcome to lurk

Post 38


Hmm.. I wonder what my boss would say if I told him that I'm not at work yet, but I'll be coming at 8AM UGT (Universal Guide Time)..

Welcome to lurk

Post 39

E G Mel

Which would never happen because it's always tea time 4-5:30 smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

Welcome to lurk

Post 40


That I forgot! But I can drink only so much tea.. hope there's some smiley - coffee and smiley - cake and smiley - strawberries too.

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