A Conversation for Smileys: The Cosmos
SEF Posted Dec 13, 2003
I have a smiley-sized TARDIS. There are also TARDIS blobs which you can use on your personal space or other pages if you are prepared to switch to editing in GuideML mode instead of plain text.
<./>B1915529</.> for A702280
<./>B4779570</.> for A655256
SEF Posted Dec 13, 2003
Even in plain text one can do things like this:
||[] []||
||[] []||
||[] []||
||[] []||
Though it will look a little different in the different fonts of different skins.
CelestialToymaker2 Posted Dec 13, 2003
im a DIGIBOX user and im told i can only use PLAIN TXT, if there is a smiley sized tardis, which category is it under please
SEF Posted Dec 13, 2003
As a digibox user it is safer if you use plain skin to view the site. It uses less memory. This is not the same as plain text though. Conversation posts like this one are in plain text - with only certain things like smileys and some automatic page links.
Your page was in plain text when I looked but you could fairly easily convert it to GuideML and add the tardis blob. At the moment you can't do that for conversations. Even to use my tiny TARDIS you would still have to convert your page to GuideML mode. Is that something you want to try?
Otherwise you are restricted to using the existing smileys or drawing things with text characters. _@o"
SEF Posted Dec 13, 2003
It shouldn't hurt too much!
The first thing you need to do is start to edit your page using the link on it. Then it is best if you remove the plain text smileys and/or rewrite them in GuideML form like this:
<SMILEY TYPE="snowball" />
It is very important to spell all that correctly for each different smiley name.
Then you can use the radio button options below the text edit window to select GuideML mode and press the update button to make it actually happen. You should see and tags appear around your original page text. Do not delete these or move them. They are important.
If you want to retain any line spacing in your text as paragraphs you have two options. Either put a line break tag or two between them:
or put them into paragraph tags:
This is a paragraph.
I can divide it into lines.
But it will all show as one paragraph.
This is another paragraph.
Finally you press the update button to save your work. If the system objects it will probably be because you have missed out a tag or misspelled it slightly. For example you must not start with an upper case and end with a lower case or use mixed case for a line break . Be consistent (all upper or lower case for tags) and you will have less problems.
CelestialToymaker2 Posted Feb 7, 2004
sorry its been a while i needed time to decide what to do, having seen how
others are makin their pages, ive decided i would like to try guide ml, so i too can look
and also so i can have a tardis.....
SEF Posted Feb 7, 2004
Well at the moment you've put a lot of plain text smileys and links in. Those will definitely make it harder to convert because you will have to fix each one of them before the page will let you save it as they cause lots of errors in GuideML. It is usually better for inexperienced people to get back to just text in the page before starting.
Then, when you edit the page, you need to find the radio button options below the text edit area which say something like "plain text" and "GuideML". As well as selecting GuideML mode you need to press the "change style" button to make it happen. That adds the necessary GUIDE and BODY statements around your text. Then you can try to save it ("update" button) to see how it works and gradually add in the formatting you want with paragraphs ... or merely line breaks .
CelestialToymaker2 Posted Feb 7, 2004
i tried all that, i adjusted all the smileys as you said before, selected guide ml, and change style and then update it said guide ml error, and changed back to the original style
SEF Posted Feb 7, 2004
If it was saying GuideML error then you must have missed something. It should have made an attempt to point out what the GuideML error was - with a marker and a description so you could fix it and try again. What was that description?
The most obvious things to be wrong are < and > such as used in smileys (eg disco for you) and plain text links (eg online for you). Less obvious things include the use of the & character. That's why it is usually better to remove all smileys and links first and only add them back slowly afterwards so that you know immediately whether each has caused an error. Of course it is much easier if you are on a PC and can copy and paste your original text somewhere safe.
It is up to you whether you give up on GuideML (forever or just for now) but most people do get there eventually if they persist. It is easier for some than others but you should see how pleased the ones who were having difficulty are when they finally achieve the result they want. It can be a major accomplishment for people who haven't done any sort of computer programming before.
SEF Posted Feb 8, 2004
It always says a bit more than that to me.
The simplest way to proceed (assuming you still want to) would be for you to write down anything about your space which you want to keep, eg any particularly well worded bits that you don't want to have to make up again. Then start to edit the page and delete the whole contents. With an empty page try to switch to GuideML mode. You should see the GUIDE and BODY tags appear when you change mode. Save (update) it in this now almost empty version. If that doesn't work something very strange would have to be going on! Then you can re-edit the page to put back a little bit of text at a time.
lovelygirl Posted May 20, 2005
Dr Who has a TARDIS, so why not us? I have always wanted to travel in Time, and am VERY ATTRACTED by the idea of my very own time machine. Mine would not look like a Police Box though. It would look like a Spaceship
Doctor08 Posted May 21, 2005
I only just found this line of conversation, and it brings up a question I was going to ask the site mangers.
Where's the TARDIS smiley {the blue police box}?
Can we start a patition to get one?
SEF Posted May 21, 2005
The latest bit of petitioning (though hardly the first!) seems to be going on over here: F2118817?thread=645062 on A4084977 (though there's no particular reason to believe it will be successful).
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: CelestialToymaker2 (Dec 13, 2003)
- 2: SEF (Dec 13, 2003)
- 3: SEF (Dec 13, 2003)
- 4: CelestialToymaker2 (Dec 13, 2003)
- 5: SEF (Dec 13, 2003)
- 6: CelestialToymaker2 (Dec 13, 2003)
- 7: SEF (Dec 13, 2003)
- 8: CelestialToymaker2 (Feb 7, 2004)
- 9: CelestialToymaker2 (Feb 7, 2004)
- 10: SEF (Feb 7, 2004)
- 11: CelestialToymaker2 (Feb 7, 2004)
- 12: SEF (Feb 7, 2004)
- 13: CelestialToymaker2 (Feb 8, 2004)
- 14: SEF (Feb 8, 2004)
- 15: lovelygirl (May 20, 2005)
- 16: SEF (May 20, 2005)
- 17: Doctor08 (May 21, 2005)
- 18: SEF (May 21, 2005)
- 19: RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky (Mar 2, 2006)
- 20: smartLivingdad (Jun 15, 2008)
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