A Conversation for Big Bandwagon - The Girls Room

Task 1 Complete

Post 1

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459


Task 1 Complete

Post 2

Post Team

smiley - musicalnote
smiley - musicalnote
smiley - musicalnote

Ring-a-ling, ting-a-ling

Your Room will be decorated! smiley - smiley


smiley - footprintssmiley - footprints

Task 1 Complete

Post 3

Post Team

smiley - musicalnote
smiley - musicalnote
smiley - musicalnote

Ring-a-ling, ting-a-ling

Very nice! smiley - oksmiley - smiley


smiley - footprintssmiley - footprints

Task 1 Complete

Post 4

cafram - in the states.

One down...!

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