A Conversation for Big Bandwagon - The Hall

Task 3

Post 21

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

I don't have a clue how many smileys we have left.

Do you find it is getting easier not to use smileys?

Task 3

Post 22

Don Alfredo

Yes it does get easier to live without smilies. I didn't use them that much anyway, so who am I to speek.

Task 3

Post 23

cafram - in the states.

Yeah it is, which is scary!

It's still hard to read other posts (on the outside) and see all the smileys they use...

Task 3

Post 24

cafram - in the states.

I was totally addicted to smileys - it got so bad that I had to go out and buy stickers so I could use them in letters that I wrote...

Task 3

Post 25

Don Alfredo

You are kidding me. Why idn't you save the images to you harddisk and printed them on your letters. Or do you write your letters manually?

Task 3

Post 26

Don Alfredo

For the record:
This might be illegal because I don't know if the copyright for the smileys si protected by law and who own this right.

Task 3

Post 27

Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest

To be honest I quite like the lack of smileys within the house. It makes me think a little harder about expressing something because I cannot then convey a feeling with a smiley face.

Task 3

Post 28

cafram - in the states.

I had to hand write a couple of letters (surprised I can still use a pen? Me too...) so I went and bought some face stickers...

I agree Rama - this is forcing us to be more expressive and precise, seeing as we can't just put in a smiley to show what we mean...

Task 3

Post 29

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

I'm using less smileys in my journal and even used * * without thinking.

Task 3

Post 30

cafram - in the states.

yeah - I'm getting used to **...I almost footprintsed in here the other day, just out of habit...

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