A Conversation for Project: British Politics

On the fringe

Post 1


It might be an idea to include a section on fringe politics throughout this century - the communist party, national front, and green party might be a good start, also the monster raving loony party and natural law.

I'd offer to do it myself, but I'm involved in the Film Composers project, and I can baerly find time for that...

smiley - cheers


On the fringe

Post 2

Grandad Ugg Keeper & Minister of Distant Relatives {Greeblet} (Scout, Sub-Ed) [1+(7x5)+9-5+2 = 42]

Thanks for the suggestion, I will include a little about fringe politics.

smiley - cheers

Grandad Ugg Keeper of Distant Relatives smiley - wizard

On the fringe

Post 3


you might wish to pop along to the monster raving looney party website anyway, as they have a comprehensive list of other political parties that they have linked to on their site, which seems to me to be a very usefull resource for your project.

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