Who am I?

I am known as Grandad Ugg. I am a very, very, very distant relative of the much loved Nanny Ogg. I myself work in Ankh-Morpork as an assistant to the Librarian at the Unseen University. I have one daughter, Lucida Ugg, a fine strapping lass, who will inherit my vast fortune of Ankh-Morpork Beer Coupons, dating back to the 'Year of the Turnip'.
I spend most of my time stamping books, that are already stamped and re-arranging books on shelves, but in my spare time, of which there is very little, I write and research articles for h2g2. I hope that the UU will soon be able to benefit from this marvellous resource.

I have become a Keeper. I thought that I would do this as an act of goodwill towards my distant relative Nanny Ogg. I decided that I would use this title to re-unite all distant relatives in the Universe. This way no one will ever lose track of family.
I write for The h2g2 Post. I am the Agony Uncle, so if you have any problems, moments or experiences you want to share with the rest of h2g2 then leave a message on my personal page, e-mail me or post a message on the end of the Agony Uncle article for that week.
People may wish to undertake their family. If this is the case then please go to the Seekers' Homepage. You will hopefully be able to discover your relatives, and you can do the 'thing that relatives do'!
My University project is on British Politics. I need some volunteers. Have a look at my Index Page and browse the rest of my project.
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Grandad Ugg
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Pictures | Feb 26, 2015 |
Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market' | Apr 8, 2013 |
Guru-age | Aug 17, 2011 |
British Trains | Jul 18, 2004 |
Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market' | Dec 3, 2002 |
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stop getting scam calls without changing my number? | No Posting | Dec 11, 2020 |
On Behalf of the Guide Editors | No Posting | May 26, 2019 |
h2g2 Post 27.05.19 - Share and Enjoy | No Posting | May 26, 2019 |
The h2g2 Post 20.05.19 - In Glorious Ripley | No Posting | May 19, 2019 |
Post 13.05.19 - Still in Ripley Mode | No Posting | May 12, 2019 |
Grandad Ugg Keeper & Minister of Distant Relatives {Greeblet} (Scout, Sub-Ed) [1+(7x5)+9-5+2 = 42]
Researcher U175529
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."
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