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I am sorry that there have been no articles for three weeks, it is because of my geriatric incompetance with modern technology. I just can't get to grips with it! Enough said, I am back online and will answer your problems.

This Weeks Problem...

Meet Addictions

Dear Grandad,

How do I start smiley - flustered? Well, I went to my first h2g2 real-time meet in London, and now I... I want to go to more... all of them in fact smiley - loveblush! I just can't get enough of h2g2's wonderful researchers in the flesh smiley - blush, but I haven't the time or money to satiate my addiction...
What can I do? Help me Grandad... smiley - grovel

An Unidentified Flyin' 'Orse smiley - ufo

Grandad Replies...

Dear UFO,

I myself have not been to any of the h2g2 real-time meets, yet smiley - erm! This makes it difficult for me to empathise with your problem. However, after much deliberation smiley - online2long I have managed to hopefully find a suitable solution. It is in two parts:

  1. The Post covers many of the meets with written reports. To help control and feed your addiction you should read these when they are available. You may find re-reading back issues helps. To never miss an issue of The Post use Pastey's excellent subscription system.

  2. Set yourself an annual target of the number of meets you can attend a year, make it realistic, spread out your choices. You can then save your money and go to these meets. You will then have a sense of fulfilment when you attend.

I hope these Ideas will help you. Sit down by the fire, have a cup of smiley - coffee, and either a piece of smiley - cake, a bar of smiley - choc or a smiley - cupcake. Oh look here comes Tibbles smiley - cat

Grandad Ugg smiley - wizard

Next week I intend to run a story section of peoples' embarrassing moments. I will share with you some of mine. Don't forget though you can still e-mail me your problems or post them after this article. I will be happy to answer them for you.

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