A Conversation for Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Peer Review : A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 1


Entry: Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs - A57478909
Author: Happy Nerd - Goodbye TB Falsename - U8584330

This is in response to another entry currently in Peer Review.

I have made the usual attempts to put in a few extra vowels and consonants and avoid the use of the word "pants" but I may have missed an Americanism or three. smiley - winkeye

Have at it.

smiley - smiley
Happy Nerd

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 2


Thanks, HN!

Just in case anybody should be concerned, mine is the other entry in Peer Review. It was an attempt to rescue something that had failed to get through PR when written by its original author.

That author gave it up, and I had tried to address the PR concerns that were outstanding, without changing it beyond recognition. But, my attempts still left it with some problems, and HN has courageaously agreed to start with a fresh eye.

I have offered to retract my effort as soon as this passes through PR. I just want to be certain that the subject finally reaches the EG. It doesn't matter whether or not I had a hand in it.smiley - ok

smiley - towel

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 3


I thought this was very clear and helpful overall. I still wonder what 'well-queued' means though. The menu is broken down into lota of little 'chapters'?

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 4


I think this was meant to be 'well-cued' smiley - laugh

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 5


>>>I think this was meant to be 'well-cued'

Oops! smiley - laughI'll change it right now.smiley - run

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 6


smiley - runsmiley - ok

smiley - smiley

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 7

Malabarista - now with added pony

I've just come across this. Maybe it will be of some use; I must admit I didn't read it all the way through:


A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 8


Thanks Malabarista. I added the line: "You may even be able to catch the exercise programme on television."

smiley - smiley

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 9


To be honest, I was put off this article due to its history. A flea market rescue was already in PR and this article was written because the author disliked the rescue entry. Had the author waited to see whether the rescue entry would make it to the EG or be thrown back to the fleas, my reaction would have been different. There could, perhaps, have been room for two entries, one on actual use, one on resisting the ad blurbs.
Despite the rescue entry author's dignified response, I think others may be troubled by the history of this article. The reason perhaps why it has attracted so few comments.

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 10


Thanks for your comments, Not-so-bald-eagle, and for making me aware of the existence of discomfiture over this entry's history.

I don't "dislike" FordsTowel's flea-market rescue attempt, "Buns of ....". I think his piece is an opinion piece, and as such, should make its way into the UG.

I'm quoting from FordsTowel's comments to me here F48874?thread=6203841:

"You seem to have more experience with the videos. Would you like to take on the task of writing a completely original and more thoughtfully constructed entry on exercise videos? I would gladly pull Buns of ... for that. Just say the word!"

I took this offer at face value. Please let me know what you feel should be done to address any remaining troubled feelings by those who might otherwise comment.smiley - ok

smiley - smiley
Happy Nerd

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 11


My offer still stands! The new entry should be considered on its own merits. Should this new entry pass PR, I'll immediately 'Remove' the Buns of... entry from PR.

If, at that time, the UG wants it, they may have it. Otherwise, I'll just delete it entirely.

I just wanted to be certain that SOME entry on the subject hit the EG so that the overall concept is not entirely lost from our lexicon!

smiley - towel

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 12

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

>>>I took this offer at face value. Please let me know what you feel should be done to address any remaining troubled feelings by those who might otherwise comment.

Happy Nerd<<<

I don't see the issue here - the 'Buns...' had not been progressing and this superseded it as far as I can see.

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 13


Here Here!

We have CONSENSUS!!smiley - ok

smiley - cheers
smiley - towel

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 14


smiley - ok

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 15

Malabarista - now with added pony

(*ahem* - it's "hear hear", not "here here" A54479226)

Back to your regular scheduled exercising smiley - ok

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 16


Where? Where?

smiley - biggrin

smiley - towel

Thanks for feeding me my straight line! smiley - ok

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 17


smiley - laugh

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 18


Hi, HN!

You've had this in PR for almost 2 months, and there doesn't seem to be any unaddressed problems with it. It may be time to declare it ready and ask that it be picked up. What do you think?

smiley - towel

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 19


Hi-ya, FordsTowel.

>>> It may be time to declare it ready and ask that it be picked up. What do you think?

Am I supposed to do that? On my other entries, I just left the entry in PR until I got one of those "Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!" messages from BBC auto-messages.

But, yes, to answer your question, I think it is ready.

smiley - smiley

A57478909 - Video Exercising: Choosing and Using Fitness DVDs

Post 20

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

smiley - smiley don't feel overlooked HN. There are far fewer things being needed for the Front Page at the moment. (3 per week as opposed to 15)

I'm glad to see your post that you are happy with the Entry as it stands. smiley - ok

Key: Complain about this post