They're not people..they're hippies!HQ

20 Conversations

Hallo hallo!

Welcome to the head quarters of the 'they're not people..they're hippies' party.
I'm sorry were not here at the moment..but if you like to leave a message after the smiley - bleep someone will be along to poke you in the eye shortly ..
smiley -

While you're here I suppose you'll be wanting to know what we have planned if you elect our candidate..

We pledge more beer, smiley - cake and sex than all the other candidates put together!

We pledge to legalise wolf huntingsmiley -
We pledge to keep the badgers around despite the candidates fondness for attack hamsters instead and equal rights for yetis!

We pledge safety for all the poor abused little hedgemonies!
We pledge more london meets!..and extra local meets too

We pledge a big snog from the candidate for all voting for her..

We pledge to restore the days of the week to their former glory (like THURSDAY! )

We pledge more smut

We pledge all religions and demoninations will be treated equally (no witch burning smiley - )

We pledge to strive for world peace

and plenty more to come..
Vote Serephina!
Latest election news

The party

Serephinapresidential candidate/party leader
GedVice president and first bloke
GenieCampaign manager and minister for mischief
CreachyMinister for intelligence and propoganda

Phredde the penguinMinister for sparkly dangly things you find in hippy shops
RoymondoMinister for smut and debauchery
DeakieMinister for appropriations
Deep doo doo Minister for pizza
Disco stu Minister for cheesy disco
Joe CMinister for sitting in the corner drinking all the hot chocolate
LanglyMinister for paranormal investigations and government cover-ups
Bubba-frettsMinister for fish and fellatio

Members/non ministerial supporters

Bovril kingHead of security

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