A Conversation for Campaign HQ: Gnomon


Post 1


Hey Gnomon and B smiley - smiley
We at the Hyp camp have been putting together a shortlist of folks we think are right for the Presidency, so we can put them at the secondary, tertiary, fourth-i-ary spots on our ballots. I've always liked and respected you two guys a little more than you probably thought, so I've added you. Just thought you should know.

smiley - goodluck, oh sensible ones.

smiley - blacksheep


Post 2

Mu Beta

" I've always liked and respected you two guys a little more than you probably thought"

In my case that's almost certainly true. smiley - biggrin

But you're a nice chap, anyway. It will be an honour to beat you into second place on the final vote.



Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

Thanks, Jodan. I never doubted that you respected me for a minute! You'd need to, to put up with all the trouble I give you in Peer Review.smiley - smiley


Post 4


Just wanted to see that I saw that post you made, B (courtesy of GreyDesk)... I'm *this* close to voting for you just because of that smiley - winkeye

Maybe a little more variety in curse words next time, though. smiley - tongueout I counted seven instances of... well, anyway, good work.

smiley - blacksheep

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