A Conversation for Hypatia For President of H2G2 Campaign Headquarters

Support for Hyp

Post 1


No, I'm not sending whale-boned lingerie. But you have my vote smiley - smiley

Support for Hyp

Post 2


Thanks MJ smiley - smiley
You're added to the page.

smiley - blacksheep

Support for Hyp

Post 3


Lovely, MJ. smiley - smooch Onward and upward. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Support for Hyp

Post 4


and big giant gerbils

Support for Hyp

Post 5


Yes... smiley - erm And big giant gerbils.

smiley - blacksheep

Support for Hyp

Post 6


We shall have to find a big giant gerbil catcher, then.

How about an enormous mouse trap with gerbil bait?

Support for Hyp

Post 7


Or you could simply get Richard Gere to take care of it smiley - winkeye

Support for Hyp

Post 8


oof. ouch. my. smiley - erm um, isn't he a buddhist???

Support for Hyp

Post 9


I had a gerbil once smiley - smiley

I have no idea where he went to...

smiley - blacksheep

Support for Hyp

Post 10


smiley - yikes

How large was your gerbil?

Support for Hyp

Post 11


By now, he's probably pretty big. smiley - smiley Or dead.

smiley - blacksheep

Support for Hyp

Post 12


Could it be? Do you think? Is it possible?

smiley - run

Support for Hyp

Post 13


That he's dead? Yeah, I'd say it's pretty likely he's stuck in a pipe or a laundry chute or some such somewhere. smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

Support for Hyp

Post 14


one would hope he's not stuck somewhere else. smiley - erm Anyway. Who started all this gerbil nonsense?

Support for Hyp

Post 15


Some idiot.

Support for Hyp

Post 16


oh. It WAS me then. smiley - evilgrin

What's the party policies then?

Support for Hyp

Post 17


We're hammering it out.

Something to do with abolishing a cake tax, I know.

smiley - blacksheep

Support for Hyp

Post 18


there's tax on cake?

*hurriedly runs to the pantry to hide his stash*

Support for Hyp

Post 19


Yeah, and we're the good guys.

I think smiley - erm

smiley - blacksheep

Support for Hyp

Post 20


You know, I just watched Hitchhikers again tonight, and I'm not sure, but I think Hyp may be overqualified for the position of Prez...

But, we'll see smiley - smiley

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