A Conversation for A trip down the River Lee, Clapton, London, UK


Post 1


Great article... I too live nearby and enjoy a wander around this area. I might even be able to help you add more, in a leisurley kinda way...



Post 2


Thank you, and you can't possibly know how much.

I haven't wandered The Guide for months and to find your posting was a real joy. To then have a quick trip to your own page and find not only familiar places [Stoke Newington], but also themes with which I empathise [war/peace... the subject even seems to be drawing divides between myself and my most loved one] was inspiring and a personal relief.

I hevn't yet had time to read your writings, but maybe I'll try to revisit The Guide soon and more often than I have.

Many thanks.


Post 3


wow! That really is lovely...

hope you find much empathy and come again smiley - biggrin Say hi if you do.


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