A Conversation for London, UK
UK Counties & Regions - England - London
Paully Started conversation Oct 4, 2005
London's far more than just the pomp, circumstance and landmarks that are renowned throughout the world. Who founded the city? Why did they choose that particular spot? What are the main events in history that caused its expansion? And just what makes a Londoner nowadays? Don't be shy - share your own experiences and knowledge of London with us.
UK Counties & Regions - England - London
Danny B Posted Oct 4, 2005
I think Mina's already doing this one, which she's planning to put into PR soon:
UK Counties & Regions - England - London
Number Six Posted Oct 4, 2005
I once had an idea on a slightly different theme, trying to skilfully write an entry that would link to all (or most) of the EG entries we have on London.
This is as far as I got:
UK Counties & Regions - England - London
I'm not really here Posted Oct 4, 2005
Thanks Danny. Any assistance would be warmly received though.
I'll leave it in Writing Workshop for a while longer now this message has gone up, in case anyone does want to help.
UK Counties & Regions - England - London
I'm not really here Posted Oct 24, 2005
Bumping this up on the off-chance someone hasn't seen it who would like to post something to either this thread or the PR thread (F48874?thread=1156075) as this entry has been there for a couple of weeks.
Any extra info gratefully received, otherwise I think it's finished.
Thread Moved
h2g2 auto-messages Posted Jan 9, 2007
Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Challenge h2g2' to 'London, UK'.
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UK Counties & Regions - England - London
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