A Conversation for Facebook - An introduction

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 21

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Currently opening the site twice so i can talk to you and correct at the same time - am i correct in assuming that since i can't sue GuideML i have to enter the whole web adddress - i can't hide it under a single word?

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 22

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, that's the only way to display it in plain text. It needs the http:// bit, too.

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 23

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Most problems now fixed.
History added - anyone have thoughts on what should be different with it.
Smileys removed smiley - sadface as have a couple of first person comments. CAn you point out how i should change it concerning this point ,if i have not already done so, as i read through it for any obvious use of it but i don't know how it comes accross to anyone else.
A few more typos fixed but there will no doubt be more elsewhere.
I think the link works - it is simply quite clunky to have the whole thing
smiley - cheers

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 24

Malabarista - now with added pony

If you want to put it in GuideML, we can help you smiley - ok

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 25

aka Bel - A87832164

Entry: Facebook - An introduction - A55140879
Author: Nosebagbear (nbb) - U14077177

I don't know anything about facebook's history, but it looks OK to me. smiley - smiley

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 26

aka Bel - A87832164

There's no need to change to guide ml, nbb. Any sub-ed (should this make it into the edited guide) can easily add the necessary codes, links etc. smiley - ok

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 27

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

I'll tink Ill leave it to the sub-eds but cheers for the offer.
Any more suggestions on things to be changed? Or can i leave it as it is, with.
If something is suggested i just need to remove the bit at the bottom and add you as additional researchers
smiley - cheers

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 28

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, you could do as Elentari suggested and check for spelling errors and grammar. Then people in PR will have to concentrate on the content, rather than on spelling/grammar. smiley - winkeye

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 29

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

thats the hardest suggestion i've been given so far smiley - winkeye

Give me a while i'll have to pluck up the mental courage for it
smiley - ok

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 30

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - ok

smiley - biggrin

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 31

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

9 problems found and fixed, i suspect the number of msitakes is now quite small but the problem is afer viewing any text for long enough the mistakes start to appear correct DOH!
Do people think that i can move it to PR - after anotehr check and the addition of researchers?

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 32

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

does anyone know how i get myself set as writer and you guys as researchers?
At the moment its put me as editor and doesnt that disappear once in PR?

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 33

Malabarista - now with added pony

You don't need to set us as researchers - it's your Entry, we're just helping out smiley - ok If you'd like an "additional research by" note just put that at the end of the Entry, and your subbie can convert it to Guide ML eventually; but it's not necessary.

As for the "editor" thing - you will remain the editor of this version, because you are the person able to change the entry. When an entry gets through PR, a copy of it is made, which is sent on to the sub-editor. The subbie will then appear as Editor and you as researcher/author smiley - ok

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 34

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

ah cheers i'll add to you to the page
Cheers all its off to Pr
assuming i don't find any more spelling mistakes
smiley - cheerssmiley - cheerssmiley - cheers

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 35

aka Bel - A87832164

I'll just post you a few things that jumped out at me:

smiley - smiley a ongoing smiley - smiley an ongoing...

smiley - smiley messanger device similar to MSN Messanger smiley - smiley ...messenger... Messenger

smiley - smiley for prefering facebook over smiley - smiley ...preferring...

smiley - smiley christians united smiley - smiley Christians

smiley - smiley can normally be seperated into smiley - smiley ..separated...

smiley - smiley from users pages smiley - smiley users' pages/user pages

smiley - smiley that facebook itself posseses. smiley - smiley ...possesses

smiley - smiley causing a possibile risk despite restictions on smiley - smiley ...possible...restrictions

smiley - smiley Occasionly when users have set their smiley - smiley - occasionally

smiley - smiley problematic area Facebook posseses smiley - smiley ---possesses

smiley - smiley when an account is shutdown but problems arised about whether smiley - smiley ...shut down...arose

smiley - smiley was that when user's deleted smiley - smiley ---users

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 36

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

wow - thats jsut depressing smiley - smiley

I'll change these - must have been truly awful before i took out a good handful.

n.b yes there is a spelling mistake in this comment smiley - winkeye

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 37

aka Bel - A87832164

I type the jsut all the time. smiley - winkeye

Most are mere typos, no need to feel depressed. smiley - ok

A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 38


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