A Conversation for Facebook - An introduction

Community Art Requests: A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 1

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Entry: Facebook - An introduction - A55140879
Author: Nosebagbear (nbb) - U14077177

A numebr of problems
Dont know how to write in GuideML so that is a problem as i cant do effects and i dont know how to attricute it to relevent sites or add internal links.
Also i am very poor at writitng humour so if any one could think of jokes that would be great.
Any other problmes let them fly and ill only hid a little behind the parapit
Please spend your time as this is my 1st ever written piece

Community Art Requests: A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony

Are you sure you've submitted this to the right place?

This is the Community Art Requests forum, not Peer Review.

Community Art Requests: A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 3

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

yeah sorry i mistook that for the collobrative writing workshop which is not working atm i think i have moved it too edited guide writing workshop but i may have just made another copy of it - is it still there?
If so sorry smiley - wah

Community Art Requests: A55140879 - Facebook - An introduction

Post 4

Malabarista - now with added pony

No, it's gone now. smiley - smiley This just showed up in my conversations because as a CommunityArtist I'm subscribed to this forum smiley - ok

You've moved it successfully, thanks!

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