A Conversation for Facebook vs MySpace

Peer Review: A55065756 - Facebook vs MySpace

Post 1


Entry: Facebook vs MySpace - A55065756
Author: rochellejourno - U14086157

I hope this meets the standards.

A55065756 - Facebook vs MySpace

Post 2

Icy North

Did you write this? I see it appears on two other blogs.


If this is your own work, can I ask how you researched it?

A55065756 - Facebook vs MySpace

Post 3

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Assuming this is your own work it provides enough information but if you are good with guideXL (i am not) or know someone who is a little reediting to change the appearences would probably be appreciated.
the domain name “Facebook”). -
Mark Zuckerberg can be pulled together as can become the place for online dating. -
With applications such as ..."
There are several other places where this can be done and you may went to add in sub-headings
However since im ew i wouldnt know how to do this so all i can say is
Yours to do whatever the hell u fell like
smiley - ale

A55065756 - Facebook vs MySpace

Post 4


Just a correction note, for whoever wrote the material:

...within a few minutes why the big boss isn’t looking

should probably be: ...while the big boss isn't looking

smiley - towel

A55065756 - Facebook vs MySpace

Post 5


This looks like a 'one hit wonder'. No posting from the author in 4 wks. Without clarification as to whether its their work should it still be here?


A55065756 - Facebook vs MySpace

Post 6

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

i'd have to agree, but im not a scout so i cant move it out of here.
shame i would have liked another entry to go with my own.

A55065756 - Facebook vs MySpace

Post 7


Are we agreed on back to entry?

A55065756 - Facebook vs MySpace

Post 8

Malabarista - now with added pony

Bit early, perhaps? The usual wait is two months, I think.

A55065756 - Facebook vs MySpace

Post 9

Trout Montague

If nothing else, the article should at least begin by explaining that MyFace and Spacebook are social networking websites, whatever that means.

A55065756 - Facebook vs MySpace

Post 10


We've already got an entry on Facebook that contains a section comparing it to MySpace - A56208945

A55065756 - Facebook vs MySpace

Post 11

Gnomon - time to move on

We have now. We didn't at the time this was put into Peer Review.

A55065756 - Facebook vs MySpace

Post 12


The two entries were in PR simultaneously at one time, nbb mentioned this entry even wondering about a link. (I seem to think this one was first.)

On the MySpace PR thread ( A56208945 ), this entry was considered complementary

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

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