Facebook vs MySpace

1 Conversation

Some people prefer MySpace, others Facebook.
Many people are happy to argue the toss as to whether they prefer the MySpace social networking site or Facebook.
MySpace which was founded in August 2003 by Mr Christopher DeWolfe and Mr Thomas Anderson.
The site now has over 230,000 new members joining everyday, world wide. These members range from the general public to aspiring musicians such as Lily AlleN.
Some of the features of MySpace include Blogging, Bulletins, and Instant Messaging between online friends, Moods and most importantly personal profiling.
The customisation of profiles using HTML is what makes MySpace so unique. Users can literally create their own webpage, free, with their own chosen background and applications such as music, videos and even games for visitors to play.
This is the crucial factor that makes MySpace and Facebook so different.
Facebook or as some Ivy League university students know it as “The Facebook” (the “The” was dropped in 2005 because they purchased the domain name “Facebook”).
Mark Zuckerberg a former Harvard University student established Facebook in February 2004 but it was only available to Ivy League students.
September 2005 saw this small networking site go global to everyone and anyone over the age of 13. A lot more complicated than MySpace.
Facebook is application after application. Games, quizzes, infact it has become the place for online dating.
With applications such as, Meet New People and Are you interested, where users post a picture for other users to comment on. Why should people pay money to sign up for dating agencies like Match.com when all they have to do is freely register on Facebook or as some people now call it F**kbook.
For all the applications that they have there isn’t one that allows you to edit your profile page, meaning that your profile page is your profile. It looks more like the edit profile page of MySpace.
Although Facebook started off complicated it seems to be far more popular now than what MySpace is.
Possible reasons include the lag of HTML which proves difficult for call centre and office staff, and students to take a quick look at messages and what friends are up to within a few minutes why the big boss isn’t looking.
Facebook is quick loading and shows everything what all your added friends are doing on one page. Kind of like a big brother but in textual form.
Philip Williams, Sales manager in a telecommunications call centre, 26-years-old said: “Personally I prefer Facebook. Most of my friends use this site now rather than MySpace as it is a lot quicker to establish what everyone has been and is up to. The only thing I would fault about it is the applications. Having to add a certain amount of friends to add applications is a bit tiring and annoying when you are invited to use things that don’t even interest you. It is worse than spam.”
Facebook have added a new tool that allows you to block applications for good if you don’t wish to be invited to it again.
Adam Daley aged 24 also said: “I prefer Facebook as it is more reliable and user friendly. It allows me to search for old school friends quicker and it’s also easier to find make new friends.”
Philip Williams added: “The main reason I don’t tend to use MySpace anymore is the amount of spam. I was sick of getting friend invites from porn sites and dating agencies. Apparently I was their perfect target, as it seemed to be. Although I know that they pick certain age groups and they get paid on the amount of hits they have to their websites.”
Janet Haque, High School teacher, aged 55-years-old said: “I use Facebook to speak to my son who is in a different part of the country. It’s free and user friendly. I can also see if my students are doing what they say they are or not. It’s an online big brother in my eyes.”
A girl 12 years old, (I do not wish to name her due to her age) said “MySpace is so much cooler than Facebook “cause I can make up my own webpage and have however much pink and Playboy icons as I want. My friends all love my page. It”s glittery. I can’t even join Facebook never mind make my own page.
“I can make new friends easily and there aren’t any restrictions.”
Is that where the problems start, no restrictions?

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