The Cricket Pavillion

4 Conversations

"Would you like some tea?.....Pass the cheese sandwiches...."Sandwich
Welcome to the H2H2 Cricket Pavillion. Situated on the boundary of the Cricket Pitch in the Municipal Park this lovely ivy covered pavillion has been created especially for the 2001 Season.

See it in your minds eye. A wooden building, containing Changing Rooms, a Bar, a kitchen, and a large lounge. It has French Windows opening onto a covered veranda, in front of which is a lawn, and flowerbeds containing Goshoogoshoogosh's own special roses. There are stools in the lounge as in the Long Room so that play can be easily viewed, there are benches and deck chairs on the veranda, and on the grass in front.

Please make yourself at home. Find your most comfortable seat, partake of the wide range of beverages and sandwiches available, and feel free to ask the Tea Lady if there's anything you need. Enjoy the sunshine, and the sound of leather on willow as the H2G2 Team show their style and sportsmanship on the pitch.

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