A Conversation for The h2g2 Real-time Summer Party 7 July, 2001

RSVP Regrets

Post 1

Global Village Idiot

We're completing on our new house on the Friday, so it's incredibly unlikely that I'll be able to make it. Last year we were in another country. Next year we'll be only 200 miles away, so fingers crossed...

RSVP Regrets

Post 2


smiley - sadface

RSVP Regrets

Post 3


Oh no! Well, there should be one at Christmas as well... and there's one in Manchester in August...

RSVP Regrets

Post 4


Oh GVI you will be missed! But MaW is right - we hope to see you soon! smiley - smiley

RSVP Regrets

Post 5


We'll have to take lots of photographs at the BBC Experience for GVI, to make up for it Abi.smiley - winkeye

And of course, have a few extra smiley - ale too!smiley - drunk


RSVP Regrets

Post 6


I didn't think cameras were allowed. We'll have to take lots of photos in the pub instead...

RSVP Regrets

Post 7


Oh no!!! smiley - yikes

Not again! smiley - erm

shazz smiley - magic

RSVP Regrets

Post 8

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

As Kheldar would say at this time or maybe not, Don't hate the media avoid them

RSVP Regrets

Post 9


Abi was going to come back with a definitive answer on the BBC Exp photos. Fingers crossed

Loads of photos and loads of smiley - ale are essential though.smiley - winkeye


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