A Conversation for The h2g2 Real-time Summer Party 7 July, 2001

Oh good

Post 21

Martin Harper

It'd depend on what their sexuality was, wouldn't it? You might find a hermaphrodite who only fancied one sex, or they might be biflirtatious... smiley - winkeye

Oh good

Post 22


I'm a tomboy and I flirt with nobody. I suppose it depends on whether they want to be XX or XY

Oh good

Post 23


I didn't see that posting but I basically said the same as you smiley - smiley

Oh good

Post 24

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

That reminds me of the film "Switch" about a dead guy who is reincarnated as a gorgeous blonde female....
Absolutely brilliant film, Ellen Birkin {?} who plays the lead, is superbly cast as the confused guy.
As soon as he noticed he had breasts, he couldn't keep his hands off them.
smiley - laugh

Oh good

Post 25


Urrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh people must have thought he was weird!!

Niwt smiley - yuk

Oh good

Post 26


..Or had itching powder in his bra?


Oh good

Post 27

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - laugh
Everyone else saw a gorgeous blonde....lady.
You really should see the film.
Can't remember the name of the actor who also stars in it, he played Victor Suffentes {sp?} in L.A.Law...well, as you get to see his really cute butt, that's another good reason to watch the filmsmiley - bigeyes

Oh good

Post 28


smiley - yuk The sort of things you grown-ups talk about!! *sigh*

Oh good

Post 29

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I remembered his name!
Jimmy Smits!
smiley - tongueout
smiley - biggrin

Oh good

Post 30


Never heard of him. Is he a Pom?

Oh good

Post 31


Never heard of him. Is he a Pom?

Oh good

Post 32


I saw the film, but mainly because it was directed by Blake Edwards, the director of many Peter Sellers classics, including the "Pink Panther" films. smiley - winkeye


Oh good

Post 33


Was it good? Interesting how they got a man to play it (well maybe it isn't but anyway)

Oh good

Post 34


For 90% of the film he was played by a woman, only at the start was he a man. There were some amusing scenes when he discovered that not only had he changed his sex, but also his sexuality, and now was attracted to his (male) best friend instead of being a womaniser - and his relationship with a lesbian not working out.


Oh good

Post 35


Snails are hermaphrodites.

Oh good

Post 36


Oops smiley - blush I've done it again haven't I? That was the answer to post 20 smiley - erm

Oh good

Post 37

Shea the Sarcastic

smiley - laugh

Oh good

Post 38


I often do that too smiley - grr

Oh good

Post 39


Was the film based on I Will Fear No Evil by RAH?

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