A Conversation for The h2g2 Real-time Summer Party 7 July, 2001

Oh good

Post 1


I just thought I'd say I'm glad it's in July because we might be going to England for July (we live in Australia). Then again, it is incredibly unlikely that my parents would let me go to any h2g2 real life event...

Oh good

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh? Why not???
We don't have two heads, you knowsmiley - winkeye

Oh good

Post 3


I do smiley - winkeye

Oh good

Post 4


Shhhh Orcus! Don't tell everyone they will all want an extra head! smiley - winkeye

Oh good

Post 5


Oh that's OK, I've a whole stack of them over here smiley - smiley

Oh good

Post 6


you know... you really worry me!

smiley - winkeye

Oh good

Post 7


Not good smiley - sadface If we are going, we'll be leaving on the 7 July

smiley - crysmiley - crysmiley - cry

And they wouldn't let me go 'cos I'm only 12

Oh good

Post 8


smiley - hug

Oh good

Post 9

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

~thanks goodness she never flirted with Niwt~
smiley - hug

Oh good

Post 10


~ but she never flirted at all, did she? ~
smiley - bigeyes

Oh good

Post 11

Martin Harper

You'll have to convince them to become h2g2 researchers {hint, tell them there's free smiley - choc} - then they can come, and you can tag along... smiley - smiley

Oh good

Post 12


Ooh thanks for the smiley - hug's eveyone but I think I'm the wrong gender for flirting...smiley - erm

And I told my Dad to become a researcher, and he said he didn't have enough time, but he's a writer, so I asked if he would write a very good Guide entry for me. He said he didn't have time. smiley - cry

But, my friend and I have decided we're going to work for h2g2 in five years when we're seventeen (or 18 in her case) and we told Peta and she says if we come to England between now and then we can see her! smiley - smileysmiley - smiley 'Cos I will come eventually!

Oh good

Post 13


Hey Niwt, your not the wrong gender for flirting smiley - yikes what a horrible thought smiley - hug. Your gender merely determines who you flirt with smiley - smiley

Oh good

Post 14

Martin Harper

What a horrible thought... a flirtless gender... *shudders*

Oh good

Post 15


h2g2 would grind to a halt! smiley - winkeye

Oh good

Post 16

Shea the Sarcastic

I know I would! smiley - winkeye

Erm ... grind to a halt that is ...

Oh good

Post 17

Martin Harper

or just halt your grinding? smiley - winkeye

Oh good

Post 18

Shea the Sarcastic

smiley - blush ... that too ...

Oh good

Post 19


Hmm... Who do hermaphrodites flirt with? Presumably other hermaphrodites....


Oh good

Post 20


Can't they flirt with themselves. How do they get anything done?

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