A Conversation for The Gull Family and Other Seabirds
A54046055 - The Gull Family and Other Seabirds
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted May 25, 2010
The first that came to mind when I got the page was "It's a list."
That really not good reaction to be invoking.
I don't advise padding this entry out.
I suggest narrowing your focus and doing something interesting with the subject you looking at.
What drew me in was "gulls" catching my eye and I was curious if someone had done something interesting with the subject of herring gulls and lesser black back gulls being a ring species.
Perhaps a way you could approach is think of the QI points worthy titbits on gulls and work them into something readable about them?
A54046055 - The Gull Family and Other Seabirds
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted May 28, 2010
Entry: The Gull Family and Other Seabirds - A54046055
Author: gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA - U13926421
page turner
A54046055 - The Gull Family and Other Seabirds
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Dec 15, 2010
Anything happening here, gandalfstwin? And if not, can you move it back to your space and re-submit when it's ready? (I'm trying to get an overview of just how much we still have to draw from in PR...)
A54046055 - The Gull Family and Other Seabirds
AlexAshman Posted Jan 27, 2011
I don't mean to be rude, gandalfstwin, but this entry isn't going into the Approved Guide in a hurry the way it is. It would be a lot more interesting if you'd write some colourful accounts of particular birds or bird families, rather than providing a wiki-esque list of details. Yes, you're writing for an encyclopedia of sorts, but you've got to make this stuff readable. I know you can write, so let's have something of yours we can put on the Front Page, eh?
A54046055 - The Gull Family and Other Seabirds
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Apr 15, 2011
Hi Gandalf! I think you forgot all about this. Can you reclaim it until you have time to finish it? Otherwise I could ask the Eds to switch it back to your Personal Space? It would be easier for you to do, as they are still very busy.
A54046055 - The Gull Family and Other Seabirds
h2g2 Guide Editors Posted Nov 10, 2011
We've removed this from Peer Review for the moment. If you rewrite it in line with the various suggestions in this conversation, you can submit it again!
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A54046055 - The Gull Family and Other Seabirds
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