A Conversation for Charles Bukowski - Poet and Novelist

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Post 1

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

I enjoyed reading this but would love to know more about the man. I would like more insight as to why he was 'not so nice', are there reasons for him having become the type of man he did. Has anyone published anything about him online? You have awakened my curiousity - I am off to search!

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Post 2

Portable Chaos

I apologise for the lateness of my reply, but as my life is a hectic one I seldom stay in the same geographical area for any length of time. One of the Main reasons that I state the Bukowski was not a nice man is that, if a writer creates a character then there must by a large percentage of himself in the character. And Bukowski's characters are not all that nice [ both male and female ]. Athough the is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that he was in fact a nice person, although why he should choose to present an alternative version of himself is a mystery. As to what helped shape him, two of the main influences would be the American depression in the 1920 and 1930 which happend during his most formative years and the abusive relationship he had with his father.

I hope that you will enjoy him as much as I do.

p.s. In a world which is constantly filled with strange happenings, I spent my formative years living in a place called Secunda. Which if my memory serves me correctly was quite close to Johnasberg.


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Post 3

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

Have you considered submitting this entry to Peer Review? You will get feedback and stand a good chance of it being recommended for editing.

Small world isn't it! Yes Secunda is about 100km east of Johannesburg. What do you do that keeps you on the move?

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