A Conversation for Charles Bukowski - Poet and Novelist

A536618 - Charles Bukowski

Post 1

Portable Chaos


The updated version of the beat poet / novelist


Thanks for your help


A536618 - Charles Bukowski

Post 2


Hi Portable Chaos smiley - smiley

A short and succinct entry. I would reccomend you take the last comment out or amend it to something like "He will be sadly missed by many" as the article should be all in the third person as per the writing guidelines. Also, the article doesn't really inspire me to read his stuff. Maybe a couple of pertinent quotes might help in this?

Nice entry though, don't see why it shouldn't make its way into the guide.


A536618 - Charles Bukowski

Post 3

Portable Chaos

Thanks for your help, but unfortunately most of his quotes are not suitable for the guide, but i have found one that is.


A536618 - Charles Bukowski

Post 4


Now *that* does inspire me to read his work! smiley - winkeye

A536618 - Charles Bukowski

Post 5

Dr Hell

Good article, I don't know any work from Bukowski, but now I am curious... Of course I heard of him, but always as if his only intention was to shock using dirty language (it might have worked some decades ago but who - beside the mods - cares nowdays?)

Yet I miss one or two things: Is the actual date of his birth known?
What about some little chronology on his life?

(I think this kind of information should be included in articles like this)

A536618 - Charles Bukowski

Post 6

Global Village Idiot

Hi Portable Chaos, This is the second thread you've created on this entry, the other being http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F48874?thread=107623 Please try not to do this, as it only clogs up Peer Review and they have to be manually deleted - much better to re-post to the old thread, but please only do this after a decent period of time (>2 weeks) has passed. We do look back through the old threads, and this actually makes the Scouting process slower, not faster. Let's close down this thread and make the other one the main one. Thanks, GVI

A536618 - Charles Bukowski

Post 7

Portable Chaos

I would like to say thank you for all your help.



A536618 - Charles Bukowski

Post 8

Martin Harper

Don't mention it smiley - smiley

We actually removed the other thread from Peer Review, and left this one in, just so you know... smiley - winkeye

A536618 - Charles Bukowski

Post 9

Martin Harper

Are there any Bukowski fan sites you could link to on the web? Might be nice... smiley - smiley

Thread Moved

Post 10

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review' to 'Charles Bukowski - Poet and Novelist'.

This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review Forum because your entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.

You can find out what will happen to your entry here: http://www.h2g2.com/SubEditors-Process



Post 11


I'm glad to say that I thought this entry was so good that I recommended it to be included in the edited guide. Congratulations on all your hard work. The editorial process should begin soon.

If you have any other questions, or terms of abuse/endearment, please drop me a line smiley - smiley

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