A Conversation for Talking Point: Is There Ever Going to be Another World War?

Yes, probably

Post 1

Wand'rin star

The have-nots have ever fewer resources. The rest of us conspiucuously consume ever more. We waste money on bottled water. Thousands of African women walk miles every day for one bucket of not very clean water.
Water will be the cause of the next World War. As with WWII it will be a lot of small local wars, not one overriding conflict smiley - starsmiley - star

Yes, probably

Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - space
I think the lack of clean water is the most important problem for humans. The Privatization of water resources is coming, how can that be a good thing?

The water studies here show a chemical soup of hormones,medications,fertilizers,weed killers. The mix is making new chemical combinations never seen or at least unable to be identified.

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