Talking Point: Is There Ever Going to be Another World War?

38 Conversations

World as a dart board; darts looking like bombs aiming at board.

World War I was meant to be the War that ended all wars. At the end of World War II, the United Nations was set up to preserve peace through 'international co-operation and collective security'. Yet right now, as you're reading this, war continues to rage around the world. There's increasing speculation that we could also be on the brink of another arms race.

Sinister though it may seem, we want you to think hard about the following questions:

  • In an increasingly mobile, global community will nations be able to work together peacefully?

  • Is major international conflict - World War III - an inevitability?

  • If there is major global war, will it necessarily be nuclear?

  • Can international diplomacy prevent Armageddon?

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