A Conversation for Talking Point: Is There Ever Going to be Another World War?

Is there ever going to be another world war

Post 1

Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday..

The answer can probably be found in George Orwell's book 1984 which is actually about 2050. Orwell called his book 1984 because he thought it would sell more books than if he called it 2050. In this he was probably right. His answer to the above question may probably be right too.

Basically in 2050 there can never be peace between the 3 super-powers. If there is no actual war there must always be the illusion of war. People must be kept in a state of apprehension. They must feel that the governement is doing its best to protect them against the enemy, whether or not there is an enemy to be protected from.

Anybody who hasn't read 1984 should buy it. It should be in every schoolboy's satchel.

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