A Conversation for Grace Gifford's Wedding

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 21

pailaway - (an utterly gratuitous link in the evolutionary chain)

Jeering is back in?

In that case, smiley - tongueout to English teachers! Har!

Actually, I hadn't noticed the 'had' and had it not been mentioned at all it would have had as easy a time slipping by unnoticed as a haddock would have had. It's too bad.

I think if we ignore it, it'll blend into the background again.

Here's something I thought was conspiculously absent - some words from Grace herself. Then I noticed footnote two. I'm not satisfied though, and I think that it would seriously improve that particular paragraph to lose the footnote and work in a quote instead. Just my opinion.

Other than that, I have to say this piece is finely turned and polished. smiley - ok

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 22

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Thanks.smiley - smiley That's a genuine thought.

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 23

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Ah, and I realise why. The quote is in the past tense, of course.smiley - laugh

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 24

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Entry: Grace Gifford's Wedding - A53069051
Author: dmitrigheorgheni - U1590784

Dmitri, the link at the Stretcher Submissions thread brought me here. smiley - erm I probably shouldn't have critiqued it yesterday in that case, but I hadn't realised this was a Stretcher admission, I just reviewed it as a PR-regular. I think I'll go have some smiley - teasmiley - run


smiley - biro

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 25


That's fine now. smiley - smiley

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 26

Tibley Bobley

Very sad and moving story. What a cruel lot they must have been, to stop the newly-weds even having a final hug.

You really bring the history to lifesmiley - applause

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 27

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Thanks for the comments.smiley - smiley

Yes, Tib, I agree...I have further speculations on why they did what they did, but I left them out. Hypotheses non fingo. This is PR, not the AWW...smiley - whistle

GB, it's my own fault. I didn't point out that it was a Stretcher entry, I should have.

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 28

Gnomon - time to move on

It's a very good Entry, dmitri, but it seems to assume that the Republicans were in the right and the "British" in the wrong. Not everybody at the time agreed with that. Most of the population of Dublin were quite happy with the political state of Ireland at the time, and continued their daily lives as the rebels occupied (very badly chosen) strategic sites around the city.

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 29

Malabarista - now with added pony

Which is where the jeering originally came in, I believe smiley - laugh

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 30

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Which is where the jeering originally came in.smiley - smiley

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 31


This is a good piece of writing and the content hardly needs worrying about, as far as Peer Review is concerned. Some nitpicks:

You've only linked to one other Edited Entry - there are plenty more to which you could link.

"something-old-and-something-new" - the hyphens are unnecessary.

"past eleven o'clock at night [....] At 11:30 [....] At 2.00am" - only the latter is correct - see EditedGuide-Style.

Alex smiley - smiley

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 32

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

Thoroughly enjoyed the entry dmitri, WD!

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 33

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Hyphens offend? Removed.

Changed to 'past 11.00 pm', although that's clunky. It isn't 11.30 pm until the guards come in.

More links? When I have time, I will look for them.

From looking at the way entries have been edited, I gather that the Wikipedia idea is being followed - link to every possible word in the entry that has an EG entry?

I had been linking only to entries that would explain more about the topic at hand - for example, linking to an entry on the Easter Rising, because it was germane. (I hunted for links to the key players or events, didn't find anything, will be grateful if anyone spots anything.)

I haven't been linking to, for example, 'marriage' (I'm sure there's and entry), or 'weddings' (ditto), or, say, 'Dublin'. I'm sure there's one there.

Largely, I think, because I feel that readers clicking will then get distracted and not read what I had to say. Are those what you meant, and do we now need to do this - link to basically off-topic entries?

Thanks, Keith.smiley - smiley

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 34


I'm with you on the links things dmitri. Gratuitous links are one of my pet hates, although I'm not averse to the odd one taking you to somewhere unexpected if it's really appropriate. smiley - towel

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 35


Irritating indeed

smiley - bubbly

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 36

Malabarista - now with added pony

But if h2g2's search is ever fixed, it might well give any entry linked to a higher search ranking...

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 37

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Nonetheless, I am selfish enough to want people to actually read the entry I wrote without the distraction of a witty piece on, say, how to buy a wedding ring.

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 38

aka Bel - A87832164

I know I shouldn't say so, but I hardly ever click on links provided in entries. I may go back and do so after I've finished reading, but it is a very rare event that I get distracted by links.

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 39

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

That's interesting to know, in terms of the technique of hyperlinking, B'Elana.smiley - smiley

Most of my links so far have been intended to deepen the understanding - provide an illustration or more information on the topic at hand. It doeosn't matter whether you click on them first or last.

A53069051 - Grace Gifford's Wedding

Post 40

Malabarista - now with added pony

I usually go through and read anything that looks interesting after I've read the entry, but wouldn't think they work like footnotes, for the most part. If it's anything you need to know to understand the entry, I personally wouldn't simply hyperlink it, but add both a brief note and a link if available.

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