A Conversation for Brainstorming Board
U128068 Started conversation Mar 31, 2001
I put the subject line in lower case so it wouldn't get to much attention.
As far as I can tell the best way for us to proceed is for those of us that break the house rules or don't like them to move to another site.
Then everyone here would be happy using this system with its restrictions and everyone that left would be happy too.
Most of the traffic on h2g2 since it's return has been in referance to the problems with the new restrictions. The number of discontent users is growing every day. We have to accept that the old h2g2 is gone and will never return. This is the new h2g2, these are the rules. Nothing will change that.
Either partake in a futile arguement to return to the way things were or move on. The choices seem simple.
I'm not saying that everyone who might occasionally post something that might offend someone should never use h2g2 but that they should post those things outside the relm of the bbc.
Any thoughts?
Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools) Posted Mar 31, 2001
it's not as bleak as that, once the BBC gives us a way to contact it that is worth something we may make progress. there is hope. you are right though (I have been saying this too) that we can't get the old one back, but I think we should sure as hell try. I personally don't want the online guide to be strictly business (as it appears that they are trying to do), it's supposed to be fun too! The guide in the h2g2 books wasn't all business and neither should this one.
Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide! Posted Apr 1, 2001
I agree with Yowuzupman that the situation is not quite that grim. While it may be unrealistic to assume that we can click our ruby slippers three times and have the "old h2g2" back, I do think change is possible. However, the process of change may be slow enough that many researchers will decide to give up and go elsewhere.
xyroth Posted Apr 1, 2001
Wow, what do you know, douglas was a prophet, and the vogons realy did buy the guide! still, we have to keep trying to get them to work properly on a better policy. perhaps if some of the staff at h2g2 can contact the beeb and get them to post the reasons for their strange rules, we could help them better.
taliesin Posted Apr 1, 2001
I agree. And maybe we have to come up with a reason or two for the BeeBeeCee to alter those rules.
"If we cannot allay their fears, let us appeal to their desires"
U128068 Posted Apr 1, 2001
Hundreds or posts everyday go to alternative h2g2 forums, you can find a fairly comprehensive list by clicking on my username. and looking at my space. If you know of any more then please let me know.
The only way they will pay attention is if they start loosing users. If we start using other sites they'll change things to get us back. You are right though, many people won't come back.
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