A Conversation for Brainstorming Board

An idea (and why not)

Post 1

Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens)

Relating to the BBC's monitoring of URLs.

The current situation is I believe that if a URL is removed nothing is done about it.

Two suggestions

1) When a moderator removes a URL because it has they should make an effort to find the up to date version. This is likely to involve a lot of extra work for the moderators and so may not happen. So
1a) When a moderator checks a URL and gets a 'being rediverted to another site' message they should update the URL then.

2) When a URL is removed the researcher who created the article with it in should be informed so they can go and correct the article.

Any comments


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