A Conversation for Talking Point: Things You Should Do Before You're 30

Some Suggestions

Post 21

You can call me TC

Oh, I'm not objecting to running about naked+ - I do it all the time, but not in front of people who might find it odd. I'm off to find other people's lists to see if they're less dominated by things that rash young men feel they have to do.

*Not that I wouldn't have liked to have been there when Master B streaked. Let us know next time, B!

Some Suggestions

Post 22

Mu Beta

I will ask Odo to take a photo. smiley - winkeye


Some Suggestions

Post 23


Photos!!!! Eeeek!!!!!!!!!

Some Suggestions

Post 24


this is an awesome list. I'm 24 and I will like to use this for the next 6 years and see how far I get but as of now I've done:

7. Fall in love with someone you shouldn’t
9. Drive a car that scares you
14. Commit a minor felony
15. Make a record
18. Pose as a celebrity
19. Confound your employer
20. Give up doing drugs (does it count if you never started?)
23. Operate a machine that develops over 5 MW of power
25. Appear in a film (independent student film)
27. Get an article published in a national newspaper
28. Streak

(now that I think about it, thats not much)

Also I have:
1. Backpacked in Europe (i'm from the States)
2. Gotten my passport stolen in Europe
3. Eat a bagette in France (always wanted to do that)
4. Drove across the U.S.

Not too exciting really, but fun nonetheless

Master P. your post was awesome

Some Suggestions

Post 25


Can't say I've achieved many of these suggestions, nor want to. I'm more for living a pleasant quiet life - though inside me there's an alter ego/missed vocation as a passionate rock chick!

I've done
11. Give birth
14. Commit a minor felony
21. Sing on stage
25. Appear in a film (if amateur movies count!)

Some Suggestions

Post 26

You can call me TC

Aha! If we're allowed to extend the list, then I could say a few things that I had done before 30 - not because I had set myself any target, they just happened.

A. Walked barefoot through the streets of the twinned towns of Heidelberg and Cambridge (the only one I ever had an ambition to do)
B. Learned 4 languages
c. Sailed across the Channel. And the Solent, too, but that's not so big.
D. Left home and worked in 3 countries apart from my home country.
E. LIved entirely off my own earnings.

Some Suggestions

Post 27


I don't think I've done anything outrageous!!!

And I absolutely refuse to streak!

What about....

1. Spend a week in a leaky tent.
2. Give/receive a mariage proposal (even if it's a dare).
3. Laugh so much your face hurts and you can't breathe.
4. Do a few laps in a F1 car.
5. Meet a celebrity.
6. Be on tv.

At least I've done some of those.

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