A Conversation for Talking Point: Things You Should Do Before You're 30

Speaking as an old fogey

Post 1

You can call me TC

When you get to my age - which is 50 - you'll be glad of a few memories of the fun things you did, challenges you met, jobs you did, etc. But what will spoil your enjoyment of these memories will be troublesome health problems - the main ones being back, heart and weight problems.

So: what do before you're 30? - get into habits that prevent you having these problems later on. No one does, and nobody reading this will, but don't come running to me in 20 years' time whingeing about back problems. smiley - footprints Believe me, these things are much easier to fight when you're younger.

I know this doesn't fit into the category of things that this talking point is about, but from my end of the time scale, it's what matters in the long run.

It will stop you turning into an embittered old fogey like me, too!

And maybe you'll then still be bungee jumping at 55. (Why did I just think of the song "Sunscreen?)

Speaking as an old fogey

Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - applause
Another old fogey agrees. Take care of your body!
Do what you can to set up your future for good health while young.

Use your "young" strong body wisely and it will likely serve you well for a long time. There are no guarantees but staying physically active helps.

I recall deciding the less strenuous physical activities I would put off, sure I could enjoy those in later decadessmiley - smileyLike golfing and fishing, sailing and soaring.

I never understood all of this stuff about the age of 30.
The 30's are great!
Each age has it's own pluses and minuses.

Speaking as an old fogey

Post 3


TC, that's just what I was thinking - look to a healthy future by looking after yourself when you're young.

Otherwise try to fulfil any ambitions as soon as you can so that you have memories of experiences to enjoy, not regrets of missed opportunites.

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