Talking Point: Things You Should Do Before You're 30

14 Conversations

A clock - time is ticking away...

As time flies by it's easy to lose those youthful ideals and find that all the ambitions you had when young have gone by the wayside. The main thrust of this week's talking point doesn't really need much explanation - what are the things you should have done before you're 30?

We'd like to point out - nay, stress - that though the h2g2 team are quite clearly ageless and eternally youthful, we've chosen 30 as a purely arbitrary age.

This week, we ask you:

  • Which milestones should you have achieved before you reach 30?

  • Which places should you have visited?

  • Which things do you think must be experienced?

  • If you're 30, have you achieved all of the things you intended to achieve at 30?

  • If you're under 30, do you have plans to do the things you think are important?

  • Or is it never too late to set yourself targets, however unorthodox?

Let us know what you think in this week's Talking Point.

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