A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation
English postings removed?
3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> Started conversation Apr 23, 2002
Hello, a few postings from someone's personal space that myself, the owner of the space and another researcher were sending were moderated today. I understand that individual cases are not discussed on here, but I can't even be sure that one of the postings was mine, so I don't know if I will be sent any info. The 'offending' postings were written backwards, although there were written in English so technically I can see no reason for the moderations, especially considering that other postings written the same way were left in place??? Am I to assume that a moderator? or similar has looked at them, not payed any attention, and assumed they are written in another language, and had them hidden? http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F87018?thread=177116&latest=1 Other postings that were written the same way, have been left here, I'm confused, and would appreciate clarification Have fun and enjoy!
English postings removed?
h2g2Support Posted Apr 24, 2002
Hi 3 0f 8,
I've reinstated your Posts now. I'm not sure why the Moderator passed some, and referred others, but I'll look into it for you.
English postings removed?
h2g2Support Posted Apr 25, 2002
Having looked into it, this is the answer. The House Rules state -
Postings or entries containing languages other than English may be removed. Because we have to ensure we understand a Posting or Guide Entry before we can pass it, languages other than English may have to be removed.
Writing English backwards is looked at in the same way that a code would be, the Moderators have to be able to understand a Posting before they can pass or fail it. The Moderators will pass Postings that they can understand, which is why some were passed. But it is not their job to decipher Postings. We don't encourage Posting in anything other than English. If you chose to do otherwise, you risk having them hidden. So instead of being a bit that some were hidden, you should be
that some were passed.
I hope this helps.
English postings removed?
3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG> Posted Apr 25, 2002
I did just post a reply... Don't know where it's gotten to...
It was bascially thanking you for taking the time to answer...and also it stated that I was just
as to why only a few were moderated...
The previous posting will probably re-appear at some point...
Have fun and enjoy!
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English postings removed?
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