A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation

Modding the backlog of 2000 and 1999

Post 1

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Hi Eds!
I hope this is the right place to ask my question. I was reading Wowbagger's cartoon and I thought of all the old conversations and stuff and things I did back when.
Now, the modding of the backlog (i.e. old conversations) is nowhere near finished, in my case the oldest conversation I can access dates back to September 2000, so about half my h2g2 life is missing in moderation ATM. I ain't gonna complain about it because it won't help and won't make either of us happy, but could you give some indication of what the time frame is for having all the past conversations modded?
Thanks! smiley - smiley


Modding the backlog of 2000 and 1999

Post 2

I'm not really here

http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F615?thread=155235&latest=1 Have you seen this Tube? It doesn't give a time frame, but I doubt that we can have one anyway. Although while I am here, a conversation I was in did come back, and a message from me was moderated. I know better than to expect an email for legacy postings, but is there anyway if it happens in an 'important' (to me) conversation I can find out what the problem was?

Modding the backlog of 2000 and 1999

Post 3

Tube - the being being back for the time being

smiley - wow
I seem to have a mental link to the Italics/Peta. smiley - winkeye No, I didn't read that and it just about awnsers my question smiley - smiley Thanks!

Modding the backlog of 2000 and 1999

Post 4


If you email h2g2.feedback with a link to the thread we can check it Mina.

Hi Tube! It's impossible to give a date when the whole backlog will be moderated because the rate that legacy Postings and Entries are checked depends on the level of current and future posting activity. The moderators check the legacy when they've finished checking new material. They are working their way through the backlog though, as the information I posted up earlier in the week indicates. Thanks for providing the link Mina. smiley - smiley

Modding the backlog of 2000 and 1999

Post 5

Tube - the being being back for the time being

smiley - hug

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