A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation
Moderated for some reason
Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged Started conversation Sep 2, 2001
Hi anyone.
My entry A624656 has just been moderated (refered to editors). Presumably I won't hear anything about this until Monday morning? I'm supposed to have received an email?
Its really tricky knowing what you've been moderated for. I suppose it could have been some complication over copyright, but I'll point out now that as far as I know *I* own it. Why is moderation so picky? jkfldfdklfdjgflkdldskfj *pounds keys in anger*
Moderated for some reason
I'm not really here Posted Sep 2, 2001
You don't get an email when it's referred, so you will have to wait until Monday morning, after 10.30 I expect. Unless you can work out what is wrong yourself. Links are normally a good one, broken, unsuitable, commercial, although the fact that it's referred makes me think it's probably something else.
Moderated for some reason
The H2G2 Editors Posted Sep 3, 2001
Hi spelugx
Your entry on The Edinburgh Co-operative Building Company (1861-1945) has been re-instated. The entry was referred over the weekend. We've read through it fully, and we can't see why it was referred either (the moderators are supposed to fill in a box explaining why an entry or posting was referred, in this case it was left blank). We can only assume from this that the Entry was referred in error, someone simply clicked the wrong button. We'll investigate and try to find out more.
We apologise for hiding the entry. Back with more information when/if we have it.
Moderated for some reason
threesecondmemory Posted Dec 6, 2001
Over zealous moderations with itchy trigger fingers.
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