A Conversation for The Party for the Passing of the 42nd Day

Drunken nostalgia

Post 1


So, anyone up for a bit of reminiscing? Want to talk about things that made you smiley - laugh , things that made you smiley - cry , things that made you smiley - cross or just plain smiley - erm ?

Right; in a determined show of starting the ball rolling, whatever happened to the ongoing voyages of the Esirpretne? Have they boldly gone? smiley - winkeye

Drunken nostalgia

Post 2


I remember when it was all green fields round here! smiley - winkeye

Drunken nostalgia

Post 3


...those first few days in the life raft, when the shock hadn't worn off and we had to idea if we'd ever get back or what (Shudder).

Abi - it must have been hard if you lot knew the plug was to be pulled, but you all carried on posting and chatting as normal, right up to the foop...

It sure made me appreciated the simple sophistication of H2G2!

Drunken nostalgia

Post 4


Well we didn't know the plug was going to be pulled. We knew when the deal was signed that the site would go down for a bit, but we were as shocked as you lot when Mark came in said the deal was signed and that the site was going down.

Just think guys! With the Beeb there is no need to make a profit, so no annoying banner ads, no pressure to buy Eric Clapton articles smiley - winkeye

Drunken nostalgia

Post 5


Cool, but instead we'll have adverts for Steve Coogan on Radio 4, and Neighbours on BBC1 smiley - winkeye

I'd prefer the dead cows any day. *obscure reference to the eyestorm ads*

Drunken nostalgia

Post 6


Peregrin you old cynic!smiley - smiley

No bitching in the party zone please. smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

Drunken nostalgia

Post 7


Oh and I don't think my banner-modifying scripts would go down too well now smiley - biggrin

*wonders what to do with his banner ads that proclaim DNA is an alien, h2g2 is run by drug traffickers, etc....*

Drunken nostalgia

Post 8


oooooh Peregrin I think that might be defamation! smiley - winkeye

Drunken nostalgia

Post 9

Jimi X

smiley - yikes

Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!

So what was your first 'Accepted Entry', speaking of nostalgia?

Mine was a contribution to original call for International Driving Etiquette. I was rather stunned that it was added to the 'Approved Guide'. I didn't know the whole procedure back then and I just added some comments and suddenly I got an email congratulating me.

Ah, life was simpler back then...

At least I was able to do more online drinking then...
smiley - winkeye

Drunken nostalgia

Post 10


A description of the easyEverything internet café in Tottenham Court Road, London. I wrote it on the spur of the moment, as well. I saw that loads of people had contributed dozens of entries, and thought it would be great if I started doing that instead of just lurking around random fora.

I must have recently reverted to my bad old self, I guess. smiley - winkeye

Drunken nostalgia

Post 11


*starts to think*

*brain keels over*

Drunken nostalgia

Post 12


Same story here, except mine was for Word of the Day.

Drunken nostalgia

Post 13


Don't try too hard Abi, you might injure yourself smiley - winkeye

My first edited... hummmmm... *wades through subedited articles* why can't they make a new list for subeditors' subbed entries, instead of shoving them in with their edited entries of their own? It's annoying, although I have had a few people dead impressed by the amount of articles I've 'written'... smiley - winkeye

Anyway, my first edited (do you remember when they were called Approved entries, not edited? And weren't they called something else before that?) was 'Bwlch, Wales, UK' - the village where I grew up. I doubt it would make it into the edited guide now as it takes the piss a bit, but is far more interesting as a result, I think smiley - biggrin

Drunken nostalgia

Post 14

Jimi X

Is the Word of the Day moderated yet? That was one that was hidden after I'd gone through all my old pages...

Drunken nostalgia

Post 15


How do you pronounced Bwlch, without it sounding like you're vomiting? smiley - ill

Drunken nostalgia

Post 16


"Official" wasn't it?

Drunken nostalgia

Post 17


Hmm... Odd.. it was up when I got here.

Drunken nostalgia

Post 18

Jimi X

Ah! I see my mistake now.

Stoopid glasses. smiley - bigeyes

Drunken nostalgia

Post 19


Read the article smiley - winkeye
In fact I'm certain that none of it would get in now... I'm surprised it survived the moderating actually.

Drunken nostalgia

Post 20

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Aaaaaaaah, happy days. smiley - smiley
*grabs a nearby smiley - ale and starts to reminisce*
My first proper edited guide entry must have been.... ooooh... er..... Pop music? Or Public Information Films.

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