A Conversation for St Andrews, Fife, Scotland
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Cloviscat Posted Mar 13, 2001
Well done Orcus!
I've spoken to Anna, the deputy editor, about our plans to carry on with stuff on St A's, and she's happy for us to work it in as an update in future -
Orcus Posted Mar 13, 2001
Hi Sal, Hi Cloviscat. A big haloo on the return! Big all round. As I said before Cloviscat I look forward to your contributions. You'll have to instruct me on the ettiquette of acknowledging your contributions. Manners have never been my strong point.
. Come to think of it I don't have many of them
Orcus Posted Mar 22, 2001
Hi there Editors, hope you don't mind but I spotted a spelling mistake and I've put the gof course titles in bold. Hope these minor changes are OK.
RedFish ><> Posted Apr 20, 2001
I will hopefully be starting at the university in september....
Are there any researchers who are at the uni, or live in the town?
RedFish ><> Posted Apr 20, 2001
Well it might be nice to meet a few peeps who r there online before i actually go.
Cloviscat Posted Apr 20, 2001
I hope you're not expecting a life of wild partying, a dazzling array of clubs and shops, or an ability to walk more than 5 yards down the street without being stopped by someone you know (and this includes tutors looking for missing essys!)
RedFish ><> Posted Apr 20, 2001
No, I went to see the 'town' and it suited me perfectly...
Cloviscat Posted Apr 20, 2001
I *didn't*. I phoned St A's and they said it was extremely unlikely I'd get in, I wheedled and acceptance off somewhere and even arranged accomodation, but when the confirmation slip came from UCAS it said "STA"! Wow - it still feels good years later...
Oh, and I appealed against my grades and got an upgrade
And I got two merits and a distinction in my first year at St A's, got a 2:1 and went on to do a postgrad there, so I feel they were justified inletting me in
Good luck!
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- 21: Cloviscat (Mar 13, 2001)
- 22: Orcus (Mar 13, 2001)
- 23: Orcus (Mar 22, 2001)
- 24: RedFish ><> (Apr 20, 2001)
- 25: Cloviscat (Apr 20, 2001)
- 26: RedFish ><> (Apr 20, 2001)
- 27: Cloviscat (Apr 20, 2001)
- 28: RedFish ><> (Apr 20, 2001)
- 29: Cloviscat (Apr 20, 2001)
- 30: RedFish ><> (Apr 20, 2001)
- 31: Cloviscat (Apr 20, 2001)
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