A Conversation for MacGregor's Grill and Tap Room, Rochester, NY

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A50685573 - MacGregor's Grill and Tap Room, Rochester, NY

Post 1


Entry: MacGregor's Grill and Tap Room, Rochester, NY - A50685573
Author: Sherkaner - U13941140

A quick article about one of my favorite local bars. Comments welcome.

A50685573 - MacGregor's Grill and Tap Room, Rochester, NY

Post 2


This looks like a good basis for a piece, though you'll need to explain phrases such as 'RIT campus' and 'U of R campus'. Also, don't bother putting exact prices as these change over time - just say whether the place is generally cheap, moderate or expensive.

With a little work, this entry could be ready for Peer Review smiley - ok

Alex smiley - smiley

A50685573 - MacGregor's Grill and Tap Room, Rochester, NY

Post 3


smiley - whistle

A50685573 - MacGregor's Grill and Tap Room, Rochester, NY

Post 4

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Hmm are you still working on this Sherkaner?

A50685573 - MacGregor's Grill and Tap Room, Rochester, NY

Post 5


If you should come back to this, I think it's coming along fairly well, but you may have to create some additional entries; or, at least, add footnotes for things like locations (addresses), and what a garbage plate is!.

Good luck with this! smiley - cheers

smiley - towel

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