MacGregor's Grill and Tap Room, Rochester, NY

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After a while, there's not much to do in Rochester except drink. MacGregor's is an ideal location for it, with locations throughout the Rochester area. The one in Henrietta (the subject of this entry) is the preferred place for students, located as it is at the corner of the RIT campus and not far at all from the U of R campus, but it's not just a regular student dive.

The interior is rather nicely decorated, with plenty of wood paneling and adequate gentle lighting. There's a lot of televisions around the place, which is nice if you're into sport, but they're generally kept muted with closed captioning on to avoid making such a din that you can't concentrate on getting into the beer. The bar proper in the Henrietta location is a large island with a huge array of taps in the center and a nice wide bartop all around. Behind the bar is a large fenced-in patio area with tables and ashtrays for those who want to smoke while they drink.

The bartenders aren't bad at getting your drinks fast and pouring a good beer. Ask for a Yuengling and they'll give you a Blue Point Toasted Lager instead; MacGregor's doesn't serve Yuengling, but the worthy barman's alternative is considered by many to be even better.

MacGregor's is best known for a huge selection of beers; each location has a different menu, but they all have 70 or more beers on tap. Pints run around $4-5, with $3 specials each day--and the specials aren't just cheap swill (Genesee Beer, I'm looking at you). There's a good selection of local beers and imports; the incurably trendy have never had a better chance to break out of their tedious Guinness routine and try something new. The beer lists for the different locations are at this site

They'll also fill a growler. For the uninitiated, a growler is a half-gallon glass jug for taking home beer. You get them at a bar or a grocery store, then when it's empty you can take it to a bar and get it refilled.

The food is good, with the wings being especially worth a shot. However, most meals come with some generally unremarkable potato chips (American style); better to pay the extra buck and get some real fries.

MacGregor's is very popular with the RIT student population, but some measure of the business has been siphoned off by a new "Irish pub" right across the street; those who prefer a beer selection that can be counted on both hands and faux-Irish pretentions now sip their Guinness over there, but devoted MacGregor's patrons continue to frequent the old favorite. It's also pretty popular with recent-ish graduates and businessmen (during the lunch and dinner hours especially).

In summary, highly recommended as the safest bet for a good night out with friends: good beer, decent food, nice surroundings. When you're done, head down the road to Henrietta Hots and pick up a garbage plate to top off the drunken debauch.

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