The h2g2 Film Society
Created | Updated Jun 21, 2003

h2g2 researchers do like to write reports about the films they have seen. But you have to search high and low on the guide to find them. Some are written as articles, some are stuck away in journals, some merely pass comment in forums. All of this makes it hard to find the comments on the films you want. Until now.
The h2g2 Film Society has set
up a page ready to be filled with your film reviews. The idea, hopefully, will enable us to cover films which are currently on release in the countries where our researchers live. However, at the moment all we have is a blank page, so we need your assistance.
If you think you can write a review about a film you have watched without giving away the plot, you could find youself listed as a film reviewer for the h2g2 Film Society, just visit the review page
and follow the instructions on how to log your review.
Demon Drawer promises to find time from his busy schedule to update the page as quickly as possible after reviews are recieved. Your countries' researchers need you to tell them what is worth seeeing at the cinema near them now.
An excellent idea... ed.