Take 5...for people who can't count.
Created | Updated Jun 21, 2003

Every day a number of newly approved entries are recommended on the h2g2 Main Page... These go by unnoticed to most users as they focus around their own page. This weekly article points out and reviews the ten most entertaining and interesting entries of the week, as far as I'm concerned anyway. My tastes do not reflect yours in any way and feel free to have completely different ideas from mine, it is after all a free country.
British Fish and Chip Shops.
Lets start off with something very close to my heart, well the cholesterol is if nothing else. The description sounds revolting, but you have not lived till you have eaten your supper out of a 3 week old newspaper.Deerstalkers. Why do people
wear these stupid looking things on their head? This entry goes some of the way to explaining it, although how accurate it is could be debatable. I will let you draw your own conclusions.El Mariachi/Desperado on DVD
goes into detail, not about the films, but more about the other extras that are available on the disc, mainly the directors commentaries on both films. Interesting, as it points out
another advantage of D.V.D. over other formats.How to Drink in Utah. Found
yourself in Utah? Feeling the need for a touch of the hard stuff?. Well, before you go any further, you may find this of use. By the sounds of things, it is easier to get a drink out of 'The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Trall'How to Open a Trendy Bar. Well
the title says it all really. If you want to be one of those people who attracts (rich) students and yuppies, then this will tell you exactly what you need to do. For an example of this sort of place visit 'Norman's' in Leeds.Manchester United and the ABU's.
I know I'll be stirring up a whole hornets nest with this one, but Man U really do need to be put in their place (which is not at the top of the 'Premiership' by the way!). I know it sounds silly but nobody likes someone who wins everything. I expect some good arguments in any forums for this entry.Owjas. Someone should contact
the people who write the Oxford English Dictionary and pass this word onto them. As a word it probably won't make much sense to people outside the public transport industry, however after reading this it will all become clear.Reading Festival. As summer
approaches, yet again it's time for all the students to start spending their student loans on tents and train fares to attend the various music festivals around the British Isles. Some go for the music, others the beer... however, from what I have seen of them, most just use it as an excuse not use soap and water for a week.Socrates. The story of the
Greek philosopher who is widely regarded as one of the first great thinkers. A well researched and informative entry. Can also be found under So-Crates according to Bill and Ted.Tractor Pulls. What better way
to spend a Sunday morning is there than watching a tractor with a jet turbine pull a few tons of muck up a dirt track? One for all you researchers out there who like anything as long as it has an engine in it.