Agony Aunt

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Dear AA,

I have this, erm, friend, and this friend has a real problem admitting they have a problem. They always seem to pass it off that the problem isn't theirs, but a friends. How can I help this, friend of mine?

Sign me,

Just a friend

Dear Friend,

A friend huh? Well, this friend sounds like he needs to be taught a lesson... I suggest getting your nearest Vogon to read him some of his best poetry about problems. After this I am sure he will suddenly understand the error of his ways and never again pass his problems off on others. Or he could just die an excruciatingly painful death. Either way, the problem will be solved for both you and your 'friend'.


If YOU have a problem you wish to share with our Agony Aunt, you may
reach her by mailing Agony Aunt

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