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Flea Market: A492275 = Access all areas

Post 1

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

http://www.h2g2.com/A492275 This is my guide entry about Chatrooms

Feedback is very welcome smiley - smiley

Thanks Leanne

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Post 2


Is this a result of personal experience?

Did he have a moist upper lip, back jowls and blue tinted glasses? smiley - winkeye

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Post 3

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

No its not an experience I have had but my 13 year old cousin was send emails etc from a person claiming to be 15!

I dont think this is a joke! there are a lot of young teenagers that go on to chat sites and dont actually think that giving out their mobile numbers and email addresses will matter.

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Post 4

Martin Harper

Hmm - I think we have a recc'd entry on Internet Dating - This entry would make a worthwhile addition to it, I think. Let me find it, and then you can tell me what you think...

myre - "You don't have to be a peer to help review Peer Review!"

PS) like my sig says: there are lots of people here in Peer Review dying for feedback - if you've enjoyed have comments from others, why not share that feeling with others here?

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Post 5

Martin Harper

here it is - whatdya think - would it go as part of this entry?

myre - "You don't have to be a peer to help review Peer Review!"

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Post 6

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

I think that entry was more about dating on the web whereas mine is more of safety and common sense so I dont think it would go well with this entry smiley - sadface

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Post 7

Martin Harper

That's fair enough - I think you may well be right. Though when dating on the web words such as yours are of course relevant.

myre - "Spread the love smiley - smooch comment on five entries in peer review today"

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Post 8

Martin Harper

I do think, though, it could do with being broadened - at the moment it is quite narrow and short - I think there's more that could be said about safety on the web...

For example, what about real-life experiences of this? You could mention some of the cases which have made it into the newspapers, for example. Your own experience with your sister could also be worth mentioning.

{by the by - did you find out that the guy claiming to be 15 wasn't 15? What happened?}

Have you met someone from online successfully? What precautions did you take, besides those mentioned? What other precautions can be taken? For example, I like to use phone contact as a means of ascertaining that the person I am speaking to is a real person - and sent .WAV files can do the same thing. Similarly a digital camera and a request for a particular pose can serve as a demonstration of reality, if not normality.

I think you unbalance it by mentioning it only as a threat for women - yes, men have less of a problem with rape (though still some of course}, but murder and theft are still issues. Stalking, again, is more of an issue for women.

I also think it's rather unduly negative - risks there are, but the risks *are* small - and are no greater than picking someone up in a bar or suchlike. I personally feel people overplay the dangers, yes common sense is good, but the number of incidents is very small, and paranoia can be overdone.

It helps to have relatives who make it quite clear that in the event of stalking or harrassment they WILL hunt down the person responsible, and they WILL make sure they suffer, law be damned.

myre - "I reviewed yours: have you reviewed mine? What have you reviewed?"

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Post 9

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

I have added some cases that made it to the papers and my own experiences

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Post 10

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Britwannabe gave me some information on an inncedent that happened in his home town where they thought that the victim was murdered by her online lover but after questioning him they now believe it to be two local people and unfortunatly the case is still unsolved. He also sent me news paper articles which I have linked to the entry.

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Post 11

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Hey, Leanne!

First, I think this one might be better retitled something like "Safety and Internet Chat Rooms" or the like -- the current title isn't all that descriptive.

Second, I agree with Lucinda that (at present) this is a little unbalanced.

smiley - smiley

A492275 = Access all areas

Post 12

Dancer (put your advert here)


I like the article and think it's quite good.

1. I think a major title change in in order. Something that will make sure this is only an aspect to take into considaration. something like "Possible risks on internet chats" only better (That's what I could come up with in the few seconds I thought about it).
and also maybe add a paragraph sayng something nice about those chats and that this is only to warn and a precaution thing.

2. I don't know if you heard, but there was a story like this here in Israel. An arab girl seduced an israely boy to meet her and led him to a place where he was murdered by palestinian terrorists.

smiley - hsif

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Post 13

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

I fully agree. It's good and the only thing to be nitty about is the first person pieces here and there. Shouldn't be a problem to rewrite these sentences smiley - winkeye

Bossel (Scout)

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Post 14

Dr Hell

Yep, Bossel, agreeing too.


Remark: Leane has not been active for quite a while now...

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Post 15

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Yepp smiley - sadface
She didn't even remove the 'Scout' from her name although she's no longer in the roster...

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Post 16

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I'd like to move that this one be flea-marketed. Any seconders?

-- Mikey

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Post 17

Dancer (put your advert here)

*raises hand*

I second.

smiley - hsif

Thread Moved

Post 18

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review' to 'The Flea Market'.

...because the author appears to have 'left the building'.

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