A Conversation for Malibu, California, USA

Peer Review: A47749215 - Malibu, California, USA

Post 1


Entry: Malibu, California, USA - A47749215
Author: Malibu42 - U13840253

A native of the city who has lived here my whole life, I know all that this city has to offer.

A47749215 - Malibu, California, USA

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi Malibu42, welcome to Peer Review smiley - smiley
I was very excited when I saw your posting but when I clicked the link I was a bit disappointed, as I've learned nothing about your beautiful city.
If you've lived there all your life, you should be able to tell us lots about Malibusmiley - ok

For example, I've lived in Cleethorpes, a small town in England, all my life, and I managed to write A642980

Perhaps you'd like to add some more info to your Entry? Many thankssmiley - ok

Galaxy Babe

A47749215 - Malibu, California, USA

Post 3

Malabarista - now with added pony

Are you still working on this, Malibu?

A47749215 - Malibu, California, USA

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

I think this is a good start, and would love to hear more about Malibu.

I think it would be better if you didn't mention the restaurant which has had hundreds of cases of food poisoning. While this may be true, you'd have to be able to prove it before we could publish something like that, so it be better just not to mention the place at all.

A47749215 - Malibu, California, USA

Post 5

Malabarista - now with added pony

I doubt that he/she is around anymore...

A47749215 - Malibu, California, USA

Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on

A quick look at the map shows that Malibu is in an interesting location. The coast runs in an east/west direction with a line of mountains to the north and the ocean ot the south. Malibu is on a little triangle of land between the mountains and the sea, and has a number of good beaches. ABout 30 miles to the east is Los Angeles, one of the most populous places on the planets.

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