Malibu, California, USA

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Malibu is a beach city famous for it's use in movies and as a home to dozens of American celebrities. Malibu's close proximity to Los Angeles makes it a great location in all categories. It is arguably one of the most beautiful cities on the west coast of the US.

Malibu's proximity to Hollywood serves two purposes: It's mulitple beaches are used frequently in movies (Iron Man, The Heartbreak Kid, Planet of the Apes to name a few) and it is the home to many celebrities including Cher, Britney Spears, Robert Downey Jr. and Pierce Brosnan. It is also the summer home for thousands of celebrities.

The community is very tight-knit, and the population of 16000+ know most of the people. The most prevalent areas of population are known as Point Dume, Malibu West, Malibu Colony, Paradise Cove and Las Flores.

Be careful during the summer months. Thousands of tourists and people from what is known as "The Valley" flock to Malibu and crowd the public beaches. The most popular are Zuma Beach, Paradise Cove and Westward Beach. Many private beaches are where Malibu residents go to to avoid all the tourists.

Malibu is like many other cities. There is a church, synagogue, movie theatre, drug stores, grocery stores, four-year university, four elementary schools, two high schools, etc. The schools are some of the best in Southern California; Malibu High School was recently ranked as the 198th best public high school in the nation, out of over 15,000.

There aren't very many places to stay in Malibu. If you're thinking cheap, you could go to the Malibu Motel at the intersection of the Pacific Coast Highway and Kanan Dume road. If you're thinking more middle class, try the Casa Malibu Inn, which is very close to the ocean. If money isn't a problem, try the new Malibu Beach Inn, by far the most beautiful hotel in Malibu. It is right on the waterfront, so beach access is no problem.

There are not many places in Malibu to eat for cheap. The most famous one though is Lily's Cafe in Point Dume Plaza. It is the most famous place to eat for breakfast in all of Malibu. Be warned: if the locals find out you are a tourist, you will not get a fine reception. For lunch, try Coogie's or Howdy's. For dinner, there are many options. If you like seafood, try the sushi restaurants, like Zuma Sushi or Nobu. If you're thinking simple, try the pizza parlor's, like D'Amores or Point Pizza. Another simple yet good place is Spruzzo's restaurant at the intersection of Busch Drive and PCH. Be warned: DO NOT ORDER THEIR PIZZA. It is the worst food in Malibu and has given literally hundreds food poisoning. If you're thinking Chinese there's only one place to go. The Chinese Restaurant in Point Dume Plaza.

That's it and remember: keep the whole tourist thing to yourself.

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