This is a joke right?

Post 1

Jimi X

I mean seriously! You're joking?

This can't be serious! Can it?

When we came to h2g2 nobody expected 'payment'. I use this site to keep my writing sharp and somewhat fresh after typing stilted press releases all day. That is my payment! That and the enjoyment I get out of seeing the community grow in small part due to my contributions and effort.

As for the bit about the forums - the forums were designed for other Researchers to contribute information to expand and update Edited Guide entries. Why on earth would h2g2 give up their copyrights for materials that are necessary to the future of the Guide?

This whole petition is a farce!

Now I've seen it all....

This is a joke right?

Post 2

Yeliab {h2g2as}

I agree, we are npot here to make money out of this but to be a part of it. It's not the wining but....

This is a joke right?

Post 3

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

*Groan.* ANOTHER Mathew Kershaw Crusade.(Tm.) smiley - cross

This is a joke right?

Post 4

Researcher Bradley

As John Cleese said "There's always one isn't there?"

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