A Conversation for The Space Station Big C

The Observatory

Post 1

Chris Tonks

Hey there! Welcome to the Observatory! smiley - smiley
This is where you can see out to the stars above and below, with complete control of what you see and don't!
This place is the roof of the 'station, and is devided into four areas - park, mountains, lakes, and desert - for your enjoyment! smiley - smiley

I'll be around...

The Observatory

Post 2

Ketsar and Poxlu, the MewOne Twins

[The Twins fly in]

[Ketsar] }Whoa!{

[Poxlu] {Hey, I bet we can see Cygnus from here!}

[They adjust this; the constellation Cygnus becomes visible]

[Ketsar] }Now let's see about the Black Hole.{

[They adjust it again, and it zooms into the point halfway along the "neck." A star orbiting a black hole, matter from the star being sucked into the black hole, becomes visible]

[Poxlu] {Cool!}

[They look at each other]

The Observatory

Post 3

Chris Tonks

*Pr. C. Tonks emerges from the floor on one of the lift transports...*

Ah, hello there! smiley - smiley
Nice night eh?

What's this you're looking at?
*comes over to the central console where they are, and looks up at the forcefield projection above them...*
Blach Hole's...you learn to love 'em...smiley - winkeye

The Observatory

Post 4

Ketsar and Poxlu, the MewOne Twins

[The twins decide that they will, indeed, tell Pr. Tonks]

[Poxlu] {Hi.}

[Ketsar] }We're wondering if you could spare some time to take us to Cygnus X-1?{

[Poxlu] {Our parents have okayed it, as long as we don't go anywhere else besides Earth or H2G2 or Damogran.}

[Ketsar] }That's BluDragon's Damogran, not the one where the Heart of Gold was made.{

The Observatory

Post 5

Chris Tonks

You want to go to Cygnus X-1? OK, I'm sure something can be arranged...smiley - smiley

*looks at Watch...*

Hmmm, I'm afraid I don't have time to take you myself, but we've got some pretty comfortable ships down in the Hangars. Care to take one? smiley - smiley

The Observatory

Post 6

njan (afh)

If you want, I could lend you one of the de-militarised ROUs from ht GSV. We have hundreds of the things, and they don't ever actually get used. It has a mind in it which'll take care of you, and it has more than enough effector and displacer capacity to take care of you and make sure you don't fall into any trouble. The ROUs all project an entity inside themselves (an Avatar) to act as a representative of the ship's mind to facilitate relations with the crew.. I could find one with nice powerful projectors, or one that uses a drone, so that you could keep in contact with ship even if you decide to venture out of it....

The Observatory

Post 7

Chris Tonks

*wonders if Njan's been watching Farscape recently...smiley - winkeye*

The Observatory

Post 8

njan (afh)

No.. why, think it's all come from there?

The Observatory

Post 9

Chris Tonks

Sounds firmiliar - living ships, a link between ship and crew...smiley - winkeye


Post 10

njan (afh)

This post has been removed.

The Observatory

Post 11

Chris Tonks


I always like to have my technology (well, most of it) dependant on some form of interaction on my part. I have never trusted technology to the full extent possible.



[Sorry Sir.]

*he presses a button on his Watch, and the Computer shuts up...*

The Observatory

Post 12

Ketsar and Poxlu, the MewOne Twins

[Ketsar] }Um, we've got arrangements with Affy....{ [Poxlu] {If anyone wants to come with us, go here:} http://www.h2g2.com/F32669?thread=86964&latest=1

The Observatory

Post 13

Chris Tonks

Oh well, fair enough...

*notifies the Hangars not to prepare a transport...*

*goes off to look for a cave in the new mountains...*

The Observatory

Post 14

Ketsar and Poxlu, the MewOne Twins

[Poxlu] {Er, we've already got a ship.}

The Observatory

Post 15

Chris Tonks

*turns around...*

Yes, I know, you said...smiley - erm
Why are you still here then? smiley - winkeye

The Observatory

Post 16

Ketsar and Poxlu, the MewOne Twins

[The twins teleport out]

The Observatory

Post 17

Chris Tonks

*he turns around again, and continues up the hill...*

The Observatory

Post 18

njan (afh)

you could always use a bike.

The Observatory

Post 19

Chris Tonks

I could always use Hyper-Movement or teleport, but I don't want to...

The Observatory

Post 20

njan (afh)

well, the reason I suggested the bike was that since you were walking, I assumed you were taking a naturalistic appraoch.

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