A Conversation for HEAVEN...

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 161

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Yeah, Arch smiley - angel

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 162


Good Evening

*A burst of light fills the room, a silence descends*

This evening we will welcome into our company eight new , but first I'm going to need a smiley - bubbly...

Jon Quixote, please step forward.

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 163

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

I'm a stepping.*JQ steps forward*

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 164

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

~hands him asmiley - bubbly and places a soft cushion on the podium for the newsmiley - angelto kneel on~
Archangel Kes:"Nice touch, GB"
Ssh! Don't tell *everyone*, Kes!smiley - blush

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 165

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

*JQ kneels*
Sorry poor time for puter to slow down.

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 166


*The Archangel steps into the golden circle and approaches the box, nervously*
*He fiddles and after a while it swings open, a brilliant glow is shining from within*
*Silly Willy picks up the silver sword, he lifts it and manages to dislodge a light fitting*

Jon Quixote, I pronounce you Patron Saint of MoonMonkeys

*The Archangel taps Jon on each shoulder (very carefully)*

*A pair of wings begin to unfurl from Jon's back, slowly a shimering halo appears over his head*

Have some smiley - bubbly...

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 167

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Don't look so nervous, JQ!
Why are you looking at mysmiley - nurses uniform like that?
It's just a precaution....smiley - winkeye
Seven of Nine:"Your skirt is too short, AGB. That is why JQ is looking at it".

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 168

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

*Takes smiley - bubbly*
*Knocks it back*

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 169


* St Ottox flies in, wondering if Gosho is ready for his ceremony, or if he has been procrastinating for too long. smiley - angel sits down in the hope he won't be so embarrasing as he usually is at these ceremonies *

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 170


DAX, Step forward!

*suddenly verticle lines appear next to Dax, they resolve themselves into the shape of Lt. Tuvok*

Oh yes, you may also approach.

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 171

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

~rushes to catch JQ before he falls over from the weight of his new wings~
Steady! They take a little getting used to!
And don't attempt to fly whilstsmiley - drunk
At least until you've got used to your wings anyway smiley - bigeyes

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 172

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

*JQ can't help staring at skirt*
*Whispers* I reckon those moonmonkeys are just waiting. Any second. Damned MMs!

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 173


* applauds *
Hurra! smiley - biggrin En ny dansk engel!!! smiley - wow

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 174

St. Dax of Goodheartedness (Host no. 42 and counting) (keeper of the frustrating habit of using a lot of... dots... all the time

*Takes TuvokĀ“s arm and tries to surpress the sudden flash of thoughts appearing in her head... smiley - winkeye Steps forward*

"I am ready"

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 175

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Ooh! Lt.Tuvok! Hey, is the starship Voyager in orbit?
~wonders if anyone would miss me~
Can I go have a look around & visit the crew quarters?smiley - bigeyes
Whereabouts does Commander Chakotay kip?smiley - biggrin

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 176

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

*under breath* Damned luck. smiley - cross

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 177

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

*under breath* Damned luck. smiley - cross

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 178

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Damn. Even Tara didn't turn up. Probably saving the world.

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 179

Yael Smith

Congratulations, Jon! smiley - kiss
Come here, sit with me and Ottox and let's watch the rest of the ceremony from here.
::Sits JQ and sits next to him::
Hi Ottox!
smiley - bubbly Cheers!

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 180

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Hey, smiley - smooch. *Stretches wings and knockssmiley - bubbly over*

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